Dark Souls 3 gets the patch 1.32
And you though it was all over when The Ringed City finally arrived. Nope, From Software is not quite done with you yet, mortals.

The patch brings some nerfs, alongside the usual tweaks and improvements, this time regarding those pesky angels and their arrows. The damage they do is reduced. Check out the rest of the patch notes:
- Reduced damage of the light arrows fired by ‘angels’
- The sorcery ‘Hidden Body’ is now effective against ‘angels’
- Reduced the damage of homing spears released from ‘Spear of the Church’
- Reduced the amount of bonus absorption the ‘Spear of the Church’ receives during 1vs2, 1vs3 and 1vs4 games (1vs1 is unaffected)
- Reduced the amount of HP ‘Church Guardian’ has during a 1vs1 match (1vs2, 1vs3 and 1vs4 are unaffected)
- Increased damage and scaling of simple, crystal, fire, chaos, lightning, dark, deep and blessed infusions
- Increased damage of raw infusions
- Reduced damage and scaling of heavy infusions at lower weapon levels
- Increased scaling of sharp infusions, and increased damage gain at high levels of dexterity
- Reduced scaling of heavy infusions on lighter weapons
- Reduced damage of ‘Exile Greatsword’
- Reduced damage for L1(LB) attacks, and increased stamina consumption for L1(LB) attacks and weapon art ‘Ember’ of ‘Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords’
- Fixed a bug where the weapon art ‘Wind Wheel’ of ‘Splitleaf Greatsword’ was applying more status effects than intended
- Fixed a bug where fully charged R2(RT) attacks of ‘Profaned Greatsword’ and ‘Black Knight Greatsword’ were not consuming additional stamina
- Fixed a bug where the weapon art of ‘Preacher’s Right Arm’ would combo for more hits than intended
- Fixed a bug where the weapon art of ‘Painting Guardian’s Curved Sword’ would combo for more hits than intended
- Increased damage of Toxic dealt by players, but reduced the penalty to stamina regeneration
Dark Souls 3 is getting one more, final edition, with both the DLCs in tow, dubbed Dark Souls 3: The Fire Fades. It will be available on April 21, for the price of $49.99.