Brass Armor Set is another hidden armor set in Dark Souls 3. The story behind it is familiar to long-time Dark Souls players.
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You can find this armor set later on in the game, in a location that will be familiar to returning players as well. This guide will show you the Brass Armor Set location in Dark Souls 3, its stats and what it looks like.
Where to find Brass Armor Set
Area: Irithyll of the Boreal Valley The Closest Bonfire: Anor Londo and/or Pontiff Sulyvahn
Once you’ve killed Pontiff Sulyvahn, a new path will open up. It will take you over the rooftops with quite annoying, shooting enemies. Eventually you’ll end up inside a small round room.
This room has a hidden area. The area is only hidden if you haven’t followed Anri of Astora’s quest line. To reveal it, hit the great stone statue.
Follow the newly revealed path to the Brass Armor Set.
Note: Above this location is Anor Londo. It is connected to the circular room by a tall tower bridge that you have to rotate in order to move up or down.
From the Pontiff area head to the rooftops.
Follow the path and enter here.
Hit this large statue to reveal the hidden hallway.
Brass Armor Set Exact Location.
Brass Armor Set Description & Stats
Description: Armor of a knight once known as the Darkmoon. It is said that this brass armor hides something hideous within. Something about its silhouette suggests femininity.