Cyberpunk 2077 Betray Dex or Evelyn Choice Consequences
Information is one of the quests in Cyberpunk 2077. It’s a pretty straightforward mission, until one point, where you’re asked to choose between betraying Dex or honoring his trust in you. It’s a tough choice – Evelyn will try to incentivize you – and there are consequences no matter what you pick. If you’re having trouble deciding how to resolve this dilemma, our Cyberpunk 2077 betray Dex or Evelyn guide will show you what happens in both cases.

The first choice happens after you complete the braindance sequence in Arasaka’s suite. Judy will unhook you, and you’ll start talking to Evelyn. She’ll have an unusual offer for you – if you drop the middleman from the job, she’s willing to share the profits with you fifty-fifty. So is betraying Dex worth the extra cash? That’s basically the crux of the matter.
Before we continue with a detailed explanation and go into some spoiler territory know this – the choice whether to betray Dex and agree to work directly for Evelyn or the other way around has short term consequences. We recommend you choose your dialogue options based on the character you want to play or your personal moral compass. We’ve played through multiple ways and so far see no long term consequences of either choice. Read on to see what happens.
I’ll think about it
If you pick this option, you will protest, but won’t outright refuse. Evelyn will give you her number, and things will go on as planned. Nothing is set in stone yet – you haven’t decided to betray him, you’re just leaving the option on the table.
No way. Dex trusts me – Refuse Evelyn Parker’s offer to betray Dex
If you choose this option, you’ll firmly say that Dex trusts you, and you don’t want to lose that trust. Evelyn will stress the amount of money that’s in play, and leave you her number in case you change her mind.
Tell Dex that Evelyn Parker wants to betray him
The next opportunity to choose happens during the Heist quest. When you start talking to Dex, you’ll be able to rat Evelyn out or stay quite about it. If you stay quiet about her offer, you can goad Dex into raising your cut to 35% if you mention you’re not in it for the money, but for the fame.
If you do tell him that Evelyn tried to cut him off, he’ll be happy you brought it to his attention, and he’ll offer you 40% of the take.
BIG SPOILER (proceed at your own discretion): Ultimately, this choice is only for roleplaying purposes. At the end of the job, you’ll get punched in the face and blackout. You will wake up just in time to witness Dex’ murder. No matter what you choose, Dex will die very soon, so it doesn’t make much difference whether you’d have stayed by his side or betrayed him – you’re not getting a dime.
If you need help with anything else in the game, we have guides for you to check out. For example, if you don’t know how to remove the virus from the chip and find the Militech Datashard correct cack sequence we can help. Or, can you save Jackie in Cyberpunk 2077? We'll also help with your first Cyberpunk 2077 braindance during the Information quest.
“So is betraying Dex worth the extra cash? That’s basically the crux of the matter.” You just told us that no matter what happens you don’t get a dime. So this isn’t true. I recommend re-reading what you post. Because that is not the Crux. There is no Crux according to the article.. So and so dies no matter what option you choose. That is technically the crux. From my understanding there is no penalty for siding with a specific person. Because you just said so and so dies. So if I’m missing something please tell me. From my understanding there is only one consequence and it’s siding with only one specific person but there’s an outcome that happens no matter which side you choose.