“Red Star Rising” is the fifth mission in Crysis 3 and it contains five Nanosuit Upgrade Kits.
Nanosuit no.
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When you cross the pipe bridge, jump on the top of the building to the left. After that jump down through a hole to access the room below.
Room where you can find upgrade.
when you cross the pipe bridge jump on the top of the building to the left
Jump down to access the room below.
Nanosuit upgrade map location.
Nanosuit no. 2
Before you come to the main objective point “Aproach Ceph Mindcarrier Device” you will come across a ruined building. Once you enter the building, jump down on the lower level, and look for a room with a pool table.
Just before you reach your main waypoint go to destroyed building.
Nanosuit upgrade map location.
One level below you will find a nanosuit upgrade.
Nanosuit no. 3
Go in the back yard of the building with a yellow mark. Next to the turret you will find ammo creates with a nanosuit upgrade.
Go to the backyard of a building with a yellow sign (~1800m from the main objective).
You will find nansuit upgrade near turret.
Nanosuit upgrade map location.
Nanosuit no. 4
During the mission you will come across a buggy and crashed tanks. Behind the second tank you will find ammo crates and a nanosuit upgrade on one of them.
Buggy and destroyed tanks.
Check out behind the second smashed tank.
Nanosuit upgrade map location.
Nanosuit no. 5
At the end of the mission when you reach the Command Center, you will gain a secondary objective to destroy the tower air defense system. Once you reach the waypoint, across the generator that should be destroyed, you will find the last nanosuit upgrade kit.
When you reach secondary objective waypoint..
look across the generator and you will see nanosuit upgrade.