“Safeties off” is the fourth mission in Crysis 3 and it contains 6 Nanosuit Upgrade Kits.
Nanosuit no.
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About 185 meters from the main objective you will come across Chinese lanterns. Before you reach the lanterns turn left into the ruined building. Follow the path until you find a reflector on the ground. In front of you, you will see a ruined building, where you should climb up to the first floor. In the room with a square mark on the wall you will find a nanosuit upgrade.
Note: Don’t forget a turret is nearby.
Before Chinese lanterns turn left and go through a building passage
…map position of the Chinese lanterns.
As soon as you pass by a reflector on the ground, you will see a room…
A room with a square mark on the wall
Nanosuit upgrade map location
Nanosuit no. 2
When you reach the point of the mission “Make your way to the park“, next to the Zipline, you will find a room with a nanosuit upgrade.
When you reach your primary objective, check the room next to a zipline…
…and you will find nanosuit upgrade kit.
Nanosuit upgrade map location.
Nanosuit no. 3
When you reach the point of the mission “Approach the Ceph Mindcarrier” in the center of the map you will find a ruined building and two pool tables alight with a red glowing stick. A nanosuit upgrade hangs on a ruined wall.
When you approach Ceph Mindcarrier …
check out the middle of the map …
You will find two pool tables alight with a red glowing stick and nanosuit upgrade hanging on the wall.
Nanosuit no. 4
When you pass by the Ceph Mindcarriera and go down the street to another objective, check out the room in the building at the corner. You will find the next nanosuit upgrade hanging on the wall.
View to the Cepth Mindcarrier from the street corner.
Check out the room on the first floor in a building on a corner.
You will find nansouit kit hanging on the wall.
Map location
Nanosuit no. 5
At the end of the mission, near the Cell Lab Facility elevator, you will find a path which goes around the facility. Follow the path until you find a blue shack. Nanosuit upgrade is located inside the shack.
Before entering elevator go around the tower…
You will come across the blue shack …
Inside you will find nanosuit upgrade kit.
Nanosuit upgrade map location.
Nanosuit no. 6
At the end of the mission you can find a nanosuite upgrade in the room behind the Psycho on the second floor.
When you reach the second level of the lab facility…
Check out the room behind Psycho…
You will find the last nanosuit upgrade in the missin hanging on the wall.
u only have 25 nanosuit upgrades detailed…there’s 28.