Warzone DMZ UFO, Destroy Anomalies & Deliver Artifact to Portal
Not sure how to destroy UFO Anomalies in Warzone and DMZ The Haunting Operation Nightmare event? The final major update for MW2 and Warzone 2 has just landed. This time around, it’s all about scary monsters and mysterious phenomena. One such mystery in Warzone and DMZ The Haunting event are strange Anomalies that look like shiny orbs in the sky. In this guide, we explain how to deal with them, as well as how to deliver the Artifact to the Portal in Warzone DMZ.

How to Destroy UFO Orb Anomalies in Warzone DMZ Operation Nightmare
One of the first The Haunting challenges in Warzone and DMZ Operation Nightmare event will task you with eliminating a strange UFO, which will appear on the southern part of the Al Mazrah map. The UFO is located near the shipwrecks on the southernmost part of the map. You will not be able to miss them, as the sea will retreat there, and ship containers will fly up into the air. This is all caused by the unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAP). Hence, head there to destroy them! You will recognize them as strange, shiny, flying electrical orbs. Watch out, though, they will be blasting electric charges in your direction! On top of it, there will be quite a few Russian Konni Group soldiers there to deal with them.
In order to destroy anomalies in DMZ or Warzone Operation Nightmare event, you will simply have to shoot a lot at them! Eventually, they will break and an UFO will appear. And we’re talking about the good old flying saucer. The drill is the same here. What you need to do is to fire everything you can at it. It will be very hard if you play solo, but much easier if you have a squad of four. Or, if you team up with other random players.
How to Deliver Artifact to the Portal in Warzone DMZ The Haunting Operation Nightmare Event
When you eventually destroy the UFO in Warzone and DMZ The Haunting Operation Nightmare event, you will see it dropping a strange package to the ground. This is the Artifact. Remember where it drops the Artifact, as you will need to go there and grab it! Keep in mind that other players will try to do the same thing. Hence, it will not be a walk through the park. Once you have the Artifact, you will need to bring it back to the portal. The portal will be somewhere on the ground near you, it will be big and almost unmissable. Check out our images so that you know exactly how it looks.