Blue and Red Access Card DMZ, Security Room Near Data Centar
Not sure how to use Red Access Card and Blue Access Card in DMZ? Don’t know where is the security room near the Data Centar location? The Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded update is now live! And when it comes to DMZ, the update mainly consists of bug fixes and improvements. However, there are also mysterious Red Access Cards and Blue Access Cards. This guide explains what they open and where to find the “security room near the Data Centar” in DMZ.

How to Use Blue Access Card and Red Access Card, Security Room Near Data Centar Location DMZ
Let’s not beat around the bush here. While not 100% confirmed, these Access Cards can not be used yet. That’s because they almost certainly open various doors inside Building 21, which is a brand new area/map soon to be added to DMZ. You will need the Building 21 Keycard to be able to select it from the main menu once it goes live. The DMZ Blue Access Cards says it “Belongs to DRC security staff”. DRC is short for “Defense Research Center”, which is what Building 21 is.
Thus, you will be able to use Blue Access Card in DMZ only on the new map. Once the new map goes live, this card will give you access to the “security room near the Data Centar”. The same goes for the Red Access Card. This one can also be found in various locations across Al Mazrah. What the DMZ Red Access Card unlocks is not in Al Mazrah but on the new Building 21 map.
“In Tarkov, if you have a Labs Keycard, you were able to go to the Labs map when you deploy,” Reddit user BrobiWanKinobe explains. “Inside that map are locked rooms with the best loot in the game, and you need coloured keycards to unlock the doors. It seems CoD did a direct port, at least if my guess is correct.”
For now, that’s all we know about DMZ Blue Access Card and Red Access Card. Once we learn more about the “security room near the Data Centar”, we will make sure to update the article. Be ready for when the Building 21 map becomes available!