MW3 Voice Chat Not Working Voice Service Unavailable
If Modern Warfare 3 voice chat doesn’t work, you should know that there are many with this issue since the game launched. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 is finally here! Alas, the launch has been characterized by numerous issues spoiling the experience. One such bug has to do with the MW3 Voice Service Unavailable error. In our guide, we explain how to fix the “MW3 Voice Chat Not Working” issue.

How to Fix Voice Chat not Working in MW3
In explosive and fast-paced team games, such as MW3, proper and timely communication is imperative if you want to have any success. Thus, using MW3 voice chat is almost mandatory, as the fastest method to almost instantly conduct information to your teammates. And that’s why it’s especially frustrating when voice comms are not working in MW3. So, if you are suffering from this issue as well, what should you do to fix it? For starters, perform some basic check-ups:
- First, make sure that your audio input and output devices are chosen correctly in Windows settings.
- Second, check if your mic is not muted in-game and in Windows settings.
- Check MW3 settings and make sure that voice chat is turned on.
- Furthermore, some headsets have a “mute” button on them. Make sure that it is not switched to “mute”.
- Check if your headphones and microphone are working properly in other games and programs.
- Turn off any unnecessary third-party apps. This is because they may cause conflicts with audio devices.
- Finally, make sure that you have proper audio drivers installed and restart your PC.
If you are having this issue on Xbox Series X or PS5, some players report that “updating the controller software usually fixes it”. It sounds strange, we know, but it costs you nothing to try it. In general, Modern Warfare 2 sounds are currently quite buggy. Thus, we hope that the developers will release an update to address these issues soon. For now, that’s all we can offer as a solution for the “MW3 Voice Chat Not Working” issue. If you have any alternative workarounds, share them with us in the comments section!