CoD Warzone Lobby Won't Fill, People Leaving & Match Can't Start
CoD Warzone lobbies aren’t working well at the moment. A lot of players are reporting being unable to start a match because the lobbies won’t fill and people just keep leaving. The game doesn’t start until all 150 people are present and accounted for, and in a lot of cases, this magic number always seems just out of reach. This guide will explain the entire situation, so if you too have the issue where CoD Warzone lobby won’t fill, people are leaving & matches can’t start, do keep reading.

CoD Warzone looking for 1 more player to join – stuck in lobby bug
There’s no telling what exactly is the root of the problem here, but it goes like this: the lobby gets almost full, but someone gets sick of waiting and they disconnect, thinking they’ll have more luck with another lobby. The entire server now has to wait for someone to take the place of the recently departed player, and in the meantime, more people get sick of waiting and decided to disconnect. Some lobbies die out slowly this way, others get back on their feet and let their inhabitants into the game eventually.
It’s as much an issue of matchmaking, because the game doesn’t want to start with a lobby that’s not filled to the brim, as it is of human impatience. We can just hope the developers will soon realize there’s no cure for impatience, so they can update the game and lower the limit to around a hundred.
There’s nothing you, as a player, can do about it. Things will no doubt improve when the early access period is over, and even more players swarm the game using the free, standalone version of COD Warzone. Stay strong and maybe give it a day or two.
F*** COD! I’m officially done with this Brand! They will not be getting my money anymore. Battlefield here I come ???
i have an issue, in the lobby i can’t see my character i just see nothing and i can’t see the gun just my M4 and ax50 can i see, its like rendering but i can play well in the warzone, it just can’t rendering my lobby any idea how to fix?
this happen after i move my cod from my 1st hdd to my second hdd, i try scan and repair but it not helping after all and i try reinstall shader and it not helpong too
So frustrating waiting all 5 min to start the game and you get 77 players. What updates are for ???? Just activision gget rich and rich and nobody cares at all about pc is more productive than ps4 in kills . Add aim on ps4, or left it for all equal.
I was in a lobby for about 2 minutes and the game started with 64 players. Same amount of time and it started with 120 so I think you just gotta be patient.
Patience? People don’t have that these days what were they thinking? XD
I just wasted a 15 min double up token and weapon XP token in the freaking lobby
This sh*t is high key infuriating ?
Its not the 150 cap. Its loading the the last few takes forever. Just let it start at 140 -150
So frustrating gave up yesterday as could not get a game to load