CoD Warzone Gulag - How to Redeploy
The Gulag in Call of Duty Warzone is a brand new mechanic in the new Battle Royale, which allows you to earn redeployment after your first death. It’s an extremely important mechanic, and it can turn the tides of the battle. So, naturally, people are wondering how the Call of Duty Warzone Gulag works, as well as how to redeploy in Verdansk after they die. Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to show you in our CoD Warzone Gulag – How to Redeploy guide.

How CoD Warzone Gulag Works – How to Redeploy?
The Gulag in Call of Duty Warzone works like so: when you die for the first time, you’ll be sent into the Gulag to wait your turn to face off against another opponent in a one-on-one battle. To earn redeployment, you have to win in this fight. If you emerge victorious, the game will return you to Verdansk, and you basically get a redo. If you lose, however, there’s still hope. Your teammates can pay to resurrect you if they have enough cash. In case they don’t, or wipe out before they have a chance to, back in the lobby you go.
There’s another twist to the Gulag mechanic. If you’re in the queue waiting for a chance to fight for your life, and your team wipes in the meantime, you’re still safe. Regardless of your team’s status, you’ll have the opportunity to earn your way back to Verdansk. However, you have to keep in mind that all of this only happens when you die for the first time. When you bite the bullet a second time, no Gulag for you; your teammates become your only hope. If you’re lucky, they will have the resources to bring you back; if they have more pressing purchases, like Killstreaks, the match is over, as far as you’re concerned.
All in all, the Call of Duty Warzone Gulag is a pretty interesting mechanic. It certainly sets Warzone apart from other Battle Royales and brings a potentially interesting twist to an already overplayed genre. We’ll see if it has enough staying power.