How to Get Levi Warzone
The question of how to get Levi in Warzone has been popping up a lot among the game’s fanbase, especially since the developers announced the Attack on Titan crossover. I mean, they teased all kinds of weapons and cosmetics straight from the anime / manga, of course people are going to get excited. That’s why we’ve written this How to Get Levi Warzone guide to explain all the details you need to know.

How to Get Levi in Warzone
To get Levi in Warzone, you’re going to have to buy the Attack on Titan Levi bundle, which should come out on January 20th, as we’ve covered in our Warzone Attack on Titan Release Date guide. It’ll set you back 2,400 COD Points, so do keep that in mind and save up if you need to. With that said, I do have to mention that you don’t really get to unlock Levi as an operator, but you can get the next best thing. Basically, you’ll get a bunch of weapon blueprints and an Operator Skin for Daniel Yatsu. Here’s what will be in the bundle.
- One Hot Potato Rare Sticker
- Wings of Freedom Rare Emblem
- Secret Keeper Epic Charm
- Steel Cut Legendary Finishing Move
- Ultrahard Steel Legendary MVP Highlight
- Vertical Maneuver Legendary Highlight Intro
- Survey Corps Legendary Operator Skin for Daniel Yatsu
- Historia Legendary Weapon Blueprint
- Ymir Curse Legendary Weapon Blueprint
- Titan Piercer Legendary Weapon Blueprint
Those are the contents of the COD Warzone Levi bundle to basically cosplay Attack on Titan in the game, and that’s how to get it – just by it from the store. If you were hoping that it’d have some kind of interesting limited quest chain or something like that, you might be a little disappointed. But, hey, you’ll still get to wield guns like Titan Piercer and Ymir Curse while wearing the Survey Corps uniform, which is pretty cool on its own.