Call of Duty Warzone Attracts 15 Million Players in Less Than a Week
After gathering six million players in just the first twenty-four hours, Call of Duty Warzone has only kept gathering more and more steam. The latest figures show that the number of people playing is fifteen million, not even a full week since launch. For reference, if that were a country, it’d be the seventy-fourth largest in the world. And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

To the surprise of probably not many people, Call of Duty Warzone has taken over the gaming world by storm. Egg on my face; I didn’t think that the battle royale genre, bloated as it is, would have room for Warzone. After all, their first attempt didn’t really bring the house down. I could not have been more wrong. I know I’ve said this already, but I do believe it bears repeating: In just under a week after launch, the game’s player counter has reached fifteen million players. That’s… that’s truly a lot.
Now, of course, my main mistake is that I underestimated the pull of the Call of Duty brand. Plus, Warzone is free, even if you still have to make room on your hard drive for the entirety of Modern Warfare, even if you can’t access it. And, all things considered, it’s a pretty decent game. It even has the Gulag mechanic to separate it at least somewhat from the rest of the battle royales.
If you think that this is where the game’s numbers are impressive now, well, they are, but imagine what they’ll be like now that the whole world is going on lockdown. If you’re looking to join in on the fun, you can check out some of our Call of Duty Warzone guides. Among other articles, we’ve written How to Extract Money in Plunder, Warzone System Requirements – Minimum & Recommended, and How to Download & Play COD Warzone.