MW3 Zombies Wall Power, Purchase Weapon from Wall Buy
Wall Power is an Act 1, Tier 1 mission in Call of Duty MW3. This mission consists of two objectives. First, you need to “Purchase a Weapon from a Wall Buy”, and you then need to “Kill 50 Zombies with a Wall Buy weapon”. If you are wondering where to find a Wall Buy in MW3, our guide is here to explain everything concerning the MW3 Zombies Wall Power mission and how to purchase weapon from Wall Buy and then kill 50 Zombies with it.

Purchase a Weapon From a Wall Buy MW3 Wall Power
Once you load into this MWZ mission, open up your map. You are looking for Wallbuy locations here. These can easily be recognized by their distinctive icons of a black gun. So make your way there to the nearest one. When you get to this spot, interact with this Wall Buy to purchase a weapon from it. Just make sure that you have enough money to do so. And don’t forget – this is the weapon that you then need to use to dispatch the 50 Zombies, as we’ll see in the next section.
Kill 50 Zombies with a Wall Buy Weapon
With the purchased weapon in hand, go and find a place on the MWZ map with a lot of Zombies. After that, it’s pretty self-explanatory – as soon as you see one, start shooting. Since Zombies are attracted by noise, they’ll soon come in droves to your location. To see how many you’ve killed, and how many more you need to dispatch until you get to 50, simply open your map again. The number is going to be there in the top-right corner. It’s best to aim for headshots, as this both puts them down immediately, and it also helps you preserve ammo. As your reward for completing this mission, you’ll receive the Get Smoked Emblem and 1500 XP.