How to Unlock MW3 Scatter Mine
Not sure how to unlock the Scatter Mine in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3? Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer has finally kicked off last week and it comes with an abundance of new content. As usually, you will be able to choose from a variety of different gear in order to tailor to your playstyle specific needs. In this guide, we explain how to get the Scatter Mine in MW3.

How to Unlock the Scatter Mine in MW3
The MW3 Scatter Mine is a rather useful Tactical to have in your class setup. And it’s particularly valuable in MW3 Zombies, where it can devastate a wave of braindead undead charging in your direction. There are even some tasks and daily challenges which require players to use this equippable gear. However, it is not available from the get-go. Rather, before using it, you will need to unlock it. Thus, how do we do this? Luckily for you, unlocking the Scatter Mine in MW3 is a rather straightforward process. Here’s what you need to do.
In order to unlock the Scatter Mine in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2023), all you need to do is to level up your main account level to rank 18. And that’s it, really, no other requirements. Simply play the game, progress your total account level, and once you reach level 18, the MW3 Scatter Mine will become available for you to add to your class setup.
However, if you get some challenges which require the Scatter Mine even before you reach Level 18, don’t worry! Namely, there is a way to play with this Tactical before unlocking it. Though, you will not be able to customize your loadout. That’s because in order to play with the Scatter Mine in MW3 before unlocking it, you will need to use one of the default loadouts called “Counter-Invasion”. This one comes with the Scatter Mine equipped. So there you have it. Now you know how to unlock the Scatter Mine in MW3 and even use it without unlocking it first.