MW3 Recommended Weapons for Weekly Challenges
The COD MW3 recommended weapons for Weekly Challenges have been causing some trouble among the Modern Warfare 3 fan base. Especially because many of the challenges require recommended weapons; for example, get 250 kills with a recommended weapon, or get 150 Scoped Kills with a recommended assault rifle. However, if you’re a returning player from MW2 and try to use one of weapons you’ve earned there, you might notice the challenges are not counting. Here’s why that is.

What Are MW3 Recommended Weapons in Weekly Challenges
Recommended weapons in COD MW3 Weekly Challenges are, well, weapons that you’re supposed you use, or else your progress won’t count. At time of writing, all of the weapons on the recommended list are from Modern Warfare 3, so forget about using guns you’ve imported from MW2. You can use the filter option to only see the weapon from MW3, as shown in this tweet. So, if your challenges with recommended weapons are not counting, that’s probably why. And almost every single “quest” in the first week demand you use a recommended weapon, so be sure to only use those from the new game. Yes, I know you’d love to have a chance to flex the weapons you’ve spent months leveling, but it is what it is.
So, yeah, that’s basically all you need to know about recommended weapons in Weekly Challenges in MW3. Also, you should know that if it asks for a recommended weapon of a certain category, it has to be of that category. And, again, do not use any weapons for Modern Warfare 2, they are not going to work. I don’t care how overpowered they are, forget about them while doing challenges. It has to be a gun from Modern Warfare 3. That’s basically all you need to know at the moment. If you need help with something else in the game, check out some of our other guides, like Zombies Firepower, Pack-a-Punch Weapon to Level 1 and Zombies Wall Power, Purchase Weapon from Wall Buy.