COD DMZ Pre Purchase to Play, Minot Hawthorne Error
Though online games are very fun, they can also be plagued with all sorts of awful connectivity issues that mean you can’t play them. Of course, CoD MW3 is no different in this regard. One of these is a very strange one, with players getting the notification to pre-purchase the game to play it – even though they have already done so. So what is this Minot Hawthorne Error and the COD MW3 DMZ Pre Purchase to Play issue, why is it occuring, and is there anything you can do to fix it? We have all of the answers right here.

Modern Warfare 3 Pre-Purchase to Play Error
The reason why this is happening has nothing to do with you, your internet connection, or the device that you are playing the game on, and it is entirely down to the devs. This is an unintended issue on their end, and only they can fix it. Typically, this occurs whenever the servers are experiencing a lot of traffic, and this is the most likely reason why such a big problem is happening right now. As such, the only real solution is to be patient and wait until they have managed to somehow fix this. Hopefully, it won’t take too long.
In the meantime, if you have already managed to get into the game – don’t quit or restart it! Doing this will most likely cause you to be unable to re-enter MW3. And if you do not own the game but you have still downloaded it, don’t do anything. In all probability, the devs will soon take care of this issue as well. You may need to manually uninstall these, or the process may be automatic. In any case, we’re going to find out soon.