How to Play MW3 Early on PC
In our How to Play MW3 Early on PC guide, we are going to show you how to get into COD Modern Warfare 3 early on PC using a neat little trick. Mind you, this isn’t regular early access. This is weaseling your way into the game on PC before the official launch date. I love whatever beats the system, so here’s what you have to do.

How to Get MW3 Early Access on PC
To get early access to COD MW3 on PC and play ahead of others, you have to get sneaky. Yes, console players are already playing using the usual New Zealand trick, but PC players don’t have that luxury (for more info on the release dates and times of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, check out this guide). As it turns out, PC players can actually profit from the New Zealand “hack,” so long as you have a friend playing on Xbox and PlayStation. They can invite you into their lobby, and you can actually start playing the game that way. Not only that, but if you go to the Firing Range and then your friend boots you from the party, then you’ll stay in the lobby by yourself. That allows you to invite other people in.

And there you have it, that’s how you can get to play early access of COD MW3 on PC. I’m not talking the regular Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 early access that everyone who pre-ordered the game got; that stuff is over and done with. We’re talking getting into the full version of the game before you’re supposed to. Now, I do believe you first have to pre-load the game, of course, but I’m assuming most of you have already taken care of that. All that’s left is to actually find someone on console to invite you in. Check out the MW3 subreddit, I’m sure you’ll be able to find somebody there.