MW3 Kicked for Inactivity While Playing Bug
The COD MW3 Kicked for Inactivity While Playing bug has been annoying players all across the board, and naturally, people want to know what’s causing it and what they can do about it (if anything). In this guide, we are going to do our best to answer those questions. You’re not gonna like what I have to say; don’t shoot the messenger.

COD MW3 Kicked for Inactivity While Playing Issue
The COD MW3 Kicked for Inactivity While Playing issue or bug usually crops up when you stay put in one place for too long, be it because you’re sniping, or using a remote turret or controlling a kill streak reward. There have been situations where even players on the move got kicked, but for the most part, it happens if you stay stationary. There have been some theories that this is a deliberate measure to prevent camping. Which would be fine, but then why would it eject you for staying put while using a Cruise Missile like you’re supposed to? No, this is more likely a glitch that’s gonna be causing more frustration in the foreseeable future.
MW3 Kicked for Inactivity Bug Possible Fix
As far as we know, there’s no real fix for the Modern Warfare 3 Kicked for Inactivity while playing bug. You can try and restart the game, but odds are pretty good that this won’t work. Rather, you’ll have to wait for the developers to issue a patch that addresses the problem. God knows when they’ll get to it, considering how broken MW3 is overall. Anyways, keep monitoring the official Trello board to keep abreast with what Sledgehammer Games are doing. In the meantime, try to stay on the move and avoid sniping and other activities that require you to stay stationary. Yes, I know people got kicked even when reloading or running, but at least it minimizes the chances of it happening to you. Good luck.