MW3 Desync & Hit Reg Issues, Shots Not Registering Glitch
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 desync issues have been plaguing players’ enjoyment since multiplayer’s launch. It has been less than a week since the game’s full release, and the game’s many shortcomings are becoming increasingly apparent. Specifically, the MW3 hit reg glitches and massive lag are making the competitive portion of the game borderline unplayable. Read on as we explain why shots are not registering in MW3.

Modern Warfare 3 Desync and Hit Reg Issues in Multiplayer
If you think you are going crazy for thinking that your shots are not registering in MW3, you are not. Namely, it seems that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 was released with serious desync and hit reg issues. Over the game’s first multiplayer weekend, a big number of players on Reddit and social media started reporting about glitchy MW3 hit reg. Apparently, Modern Warfare 3 was shipped with almost unplayable desync issues, which is ruining the multiplayer experience. “This game has a severe desync and hit reg problem,” writes Reddit user FlowKom. “That screws with every player and basically makes a big load of gunfights invalid due to this. How can I react to something that has already happened?” He has also shared a video clip to demonstrate that “we are basically shooting as ghosts”.
If youre wondering why your shots aren’t registering – we are basically shooting as ghosts. Watch when he appeared on my screen, vs when he saw me in the killcam (look at the handrail of the stairs to compare)
byu/FlowKom inModernWarfareIII
Unfortunately, there’s not much you as a player can do in regard to this. Simply put, the MW3 net code and the infamous MW3 packet loss bug are causing this to happen. From time to time your MW3 match will simply desync, causing your shots not to register as you were shooting in the wrong spot, despite believing there was a target there, judging by what you saw on the screen. For now, that’s all we can say about this issue. Hopefully, Sledge Hammer, the MW3 developer, will address Modern Warfare 3 hit reg issues as soon as possible. For now, if your shots are not registering, know that’s because of desync issues in MW3.