MW3 Beta Release Date PC, Xbox
The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Beta is already underway – at least on the PlayStation. But as for PC and Xbox players, we still have to wait a bit more until we will be able to play the MW3 Beta. But when is the Beta going to be available for these platforms as well? Don’t worry, it’s definitely coming there as well. As you’re going to see in this guide, we are going to tell you the exact release date for the PC and Xbox versions of the MW3 Beta.

When is MW3 Beta Coming Out for PC and Xbox?
You will be able to play the MW3 Beta on the PC and Xbox from Thursday, October 12th, 2023, until Friday, October 13th, 2023. The Beta has been divided into several rounds, with the first one – taking place from October 6th, until October 10th, 2023, being exclusively dedicated to the PS4 and PS5. The second weekend is then going to be for PC and Xbox users – as well as for PS players. And finally, from October 14th until October 16th, the Beta will enter Open Beta stage, and everyone will be able to play, regardless of platform or pre-order status.
How to Get MW3 Beta Access
If you want to be able to play the MW3 Beta early, you will have needed to pre-order the game. Note that this only applies if you want to play it from October 6th to October 7th for PS4 players, and for October 12th to October 13th for PC and Xbox players. After that, starting from October 14th until October 16th, everyone will be able to play the Open Beta, no matter if you have pre-ordered the game or not. And if you decide to take part in the Beta, note that any progress that you make during it will most likely not carry over to the full game.