Errors & Problems in COD: Black Ops 3
There are several common problems, issues and errors people are encountering with Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Most of them are quickly solved, once you know where to look.
In this guide, we’re going to give you the solutions to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 errors and problems.
Update: The topmost errors are dedicated to the final release of the game, but you can still find the beta errors by scrolling down, if you wish.

For Console players: Restart your console to download the latest game update.
Turn off Mouse Acceleration and Mouse Filtering in the settings. Turn Vsync off. If you’re using an Nvidia graphics card, be sure to install the GeForce hotfix driver 355.80.
If you get this error code you should know that COD: Black Ops 3 multiplayer beta servers are not down, and this error is caused by your network settings. Restart your router, and make sure your PS4 firmware is up to date.
Update: The topmost errors are dedicated to the final release of the game, but you can still find the beta errors by scrolling down, if you wish.

Matchmaking issues
Xbox 360, PS3 and PC players are having problems finding a match on BO3. This is a known issue, the teams are aware of this and are investigating now.Black Ops 3 Mouse Lag on PC
Many players are having issues with mouse lag on PC. There’s several workarounds you could try:- Set screen resolution to something less than 100%.
- Set Mouse Polling Resolution to 250Hz or less.
- Cap your FPS to just below the refresh rate of your monitor.
- Disable some/all of these advanced settings:
- Dynamic shadow
- Subsurface scattering
- Order independent transparency
- Low shadow map quality
- Volumetric lightning
Can’t access Nuk3town and Giant maps on Xbox One
Xbox One users have reported not being able to play the Nuk3town and The Giant maps. It’s a widespread, known issue, and the developers are working on a fix for this.Black Ops 3 can’t connect to the internet
If you’re having trouble connecting the the internet on any platform, you should restart the game. When it get to the title screen, don’t press anything. Wait for a couple of minutes for the number in the top right corner to change from to If it doesn’t change after a while, restart the game and try again.For Console players: Restart your console to download the latest game update.
Black screen on PC
If you’re seeing a black screen with the audio working, you should do the following:- Open the task manager and set Black Ops 3 to High Priority.
- Go to Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\players.
- Open the config.ini in Notepad.
- Find the line that contains WorkerThreads=4.
- Change the value from 4 to 2.
UI Error 18408
More than a few people have complained about getting this error when trying to switch weapons. There’s still no solution for this, but it’s probably going to be fixed soon.Blue screen between games
Some players have reported getting a blue screen between games. There’s nothing you can do to fix this, but the developers are aware of it and are working on a solution.Black Ops 3 Crashes on Xbox One
Crashes and freezes on Xbox One have been reported by many players. Treyarch are currently working on a patch that should fix these issues. There is nothing you can do, except be patient.Can’t redeem Xbox One beta token
When you go to the redemption site, scroll all the way down and click on your country’s name to bring up location options, then choose Brasil. You’ll be able to redeem your code after that.How To Fix Black Ops 3 PC Performance
If the game is working poorly on your PC, and you’re sure you fit the system requirements, there’s several things you could do. Open Task Manager (Shift+Ctrl+Esc) go to Processes tab (Details in Windows 8), right click on Black Ops 3, then set priority to high. Do not Alt+Tab out of the game, since this automatically sets the priority back.Turn off Mouse Acceleration and Mouse Filtering in the settings. Turn Vsync off. If you’re using an Nvidia graphics card, be sure to install the GeForce hotfix driver 355.80.
Press Enter To Start Black Ops 3 PC
If you can’t get the “Press Enter To Start” message to dissapear and let you play the game, there’s one thing you could try (courtesy of m3r0tt0). Go to the game folder and look for a video folder inside. Copy it onto your desktop, then delete it from the original place.Black Ops 3 PC Crashes
If the game is crashing for you, there’s a few things you could try. Success isn’t guaranteed, but they’ve been known to help:- Do not change graphics settings during a match, only from the main menu. Restart the game after editing.
- Play in fullscreen, not fullscreen windowed.
- Disable antialiasing.
- Set max framerate to 60.
mfplat.dll missing
If you’re getting this error message, download the media centre pack/media feature pack for your operating system from Microsoft’s site (we’ve heard of this happening with Windows 8 and 10).How to make paintjobs on PC
Sadly, there’s no way to do this. The PC version of Black Ops 3 will be getting the Paintjob feature upon release, not during the beta period.Error code, A.B.C.D.E.F
Some players have reported this error: “Call of Duty: Black Ops III Server is not available at this time. Please try again later.”If you get this error code you should know that COD: Black Ops 3 multiplayer beta servers are not down, and this error is caused by your network settings. Restart your router, and make sure your PS4 firmware is up to date.
On 360 my black ops 3 gives me an error at startup screen saying can’t access saved game data or storage device and ideas
On xbox 360 I go to download hislory then i download bo3 it downloads to 60% then says cant download cod bo3. i have alread tried everything youtube said i also tried everything my bf said.
also my bf could red load it
I have aproblem with Black Ops 3 on PC.
When i try tu run BO3 it stop and it says: blackops3.ex has stopped working… i resolve it?
Itryed to unistall and reinstall the game but the problem persist.
when playing cod 3 my game freezes or kicks me out and also the player that im playing against it then says cant connect to server any ideas anyone
I keep getting this error cod: A.B.-.-.-.F.-.-.-.-. (Etc.)
Is there any way to fix this for ps4? (The number on the top right is
I’m getting the same error!
shadows of evil keeps crashing on zombies it has a long error code but starts with 250 item maxed or somthing like that plz fix tired of almost beating the easter egg then the game kicks you off an you loose your gumballs
I keep getting error ui 63008 when i try to play online nightmares. why is this how do i fix this i deleted game from my system and put it back on it did nothing
SO my PC COD Black Ops 3 starts but just goes back to the Steam folder where it says running…then quits.
im getting code : (AFT) when i press play online
My gun prestige button won’t pop up and my gun is max level
The paint job, clan tag and eblems are locked for me and I can’t change my calling card. What shoud I do? I am playing on PS4.
i have downloaded it on my pc and whenever i start the game it opens my steam account and displays the black ops 3 download page! The same thing happens when i run it as an administrator! please tell me what to do
this is on pc btw
IM trying to re-download black ops 3 because everytime i started it, it would not do anything and would sit there at a black screen. Now im re-downloading it and it says that “there was a problem uppdating black ops 3 (download corrupt)” somone plz help i spent a lot of money on this
GUYS ! im stuck in “connecting to the servers / checking files” !!!! aroun 5 days i cant play online in BO3 / PS4 ! help me if you guys know anything , here is my e-mail: ! thank you so much
Plz help!
Why does when I go into a game it continues to load and u can see the loading sign in the bottom right corner and it doesn’t stop.
My error code is AFGHIJKNQSUWZ any help ???!
I purchased the game and xbox 1 the same day back in late nov early dec. played through story line but never went online with it. 3 days ago, to play with some friends I joined the xbox live gold membership and tried to load game. got error message saying I needed to purchase game. xbox tech website said I needed to uninstall/reinstall game. I uninstalled and now it will not reinstall. any ideas on how to fix this?
Just bought the game tonight for xbox 360–can’t get it to start! A msg keeps popping up saying I need to download required content, but the download stops & a msg says the download couldn’t be completed because the disk is full(?) This game is new! How is the disk full?? HELP!!! Thanks!
On PC every time i try to redeem Crypto tokens it wont work it will take the 10-30 tokens and then i cant choose anything it wont respond ? anyone have any idea how to fix this ?
On PC everytime i try to redeem Crypto tokens it wont work it will take the 10-30 tokens and then i cant choose anything it wont respond ? anyone have any idea ?
My son and I cant play multiplayer on any part of COD III
Every time I play it says lost connection to black ops 3 server and I nearly got a new one HELP
My ps3, macbook, chromebook, phone and smartTV ALL access wifi fine but my ps4 (newest of all these devices) is not able to. What a joke.
Error code: A.B.-.-.-F.G.-.-.-.-.-.
I cant download the game onto ps3 cus of “internet speed”
My fucking ps4 doesn’t even load the fucking game it just says CE-38612-0 wtf
Mine does as welll
Spend most of the time on this game in the main menu, activision need to sort this out asap, unless a lot of gamers will be returning the game back to the shops,
It must be an easy fix to sort out as it doesn’t happen in advance warfare,
About 15 times now this game has either froze of server disconnected , not fkin happy…….
does not work at all
I just got the game today and noticed that when I try to join my friend’s party, I get stuck at the loading screen. However, once the game starts I join in just fine. I just can’t get to the screen to change up my classes and whatnot. Any possible fixes?
My game is working well in all modes and internet is good too (online)
I have PS4 and my issue started 1-2 weeks ago, in multiplayer and Zombies modes only (when playing online only)
Suddenly when im shooting or aiming left or right it stops and then go left or up or down or it wont move, a big delay happens between the time a press any button and the re-action.. I try to jump but after 2-5 seconds the player jumps etc… I changed and bought brand new cotroller but it worked for 10-15 mints perfect then same issue happened again and eve worst?! Help please
i got something worse than that i can barley even see anything in the game.
Can Someone help me my friend is trying to download black ops 3 but an error comes up saying ” An error occurred while updating Call of Duty: Black Ops III (download corrupt)
If anyone has any idea on how to fix it please help
He is running windows 10 btw
I cant connect to xbox live even though i do have it it says version not sure if it has to do with anything ( xbox one )
my friend just bought the game and when he started his first match it was all fine. but when he started the second match hes screen began to make bright purple lights all over it. Pls tell me how he can remove it. 🙂 ;(
hey whenever i click play online on ps4 it opens a playstation store screen (username on bottom right and health/privacy/terms near that) but its just a blank blue screen and it stays there forever… anyone else having this and if so, how do we fix it?
I bought the game for the Xbox One last week, tried to install it 3 or 4 times onto my Xbox, but everytime I start the game, it gets to the Activision window, goes black screen and completely re starts the Xbox. I’ve gone as far as to reinstall factory settings on the Xbox but with no success.
Is it a case of waiting for the next update/patch, or should I send the game back and try a new disc?
There is no config.ini file in players folder????????????
When i play black ops 3 on my PS4 on multiply player and zombies my mate get a message saying that he as cheated and my name keeps popping up but i haven’t reported him at all so is it happing with him can you explain to me why ?
when i start a game it does not open in fullscreen and when i press alt+entre for fullscreen a dialog appear out if range on moniter plz plz plz plz help to solve this error
I have notice different problems on PS4, especially when playing the campaign online at realist level: 1) the Combat Movement (walks on wall, super jumps) doesn’t work, apparently it works only randomly from a save to another; 2) Sometime the special action icon disappears even if the last selected is still available, to activate it you have to press only R1 rather than the pair R1 + L1; 3) Dying in certain missions at realist can cause a loop because the system respawn you at the same point and time, when you’ve been hit (mission 10, when you have to break into the VTOL’s room from the high). I’m playing the version.
This game has been nothing but a complete waste of money from the xbox360 and my xbox one. Get it together. They should just remake the game or have better servers or something. This is fucking ridiculous. Nothing but greedy mother fuckers making terrible shit for there own personal wealth. I will more then likely never buy another cod game. Not that it matters or will even do anything for them but still. Way to go Activision, Beenox, Bink Video, havox, Demonware, Dolby Digital, Microsoft, Id technology, Entertainment Software Association, Treyarch, and whoever the guys are that made this game!!!!!! You should be ashamed of yourselves!!!
hi.. i bought the game cod black ops 3 dvd pc.. but i can install ithe game.. system said Sorry but the following items are not available for purchase in this country.
how do i fix this problem.. im here in uae… help please
biggest pile of shit ever made activision couldnt make games in the 70″s still cant make games 45yrs later..ahhhh LAG OPS 3..extra portions of host migration, a side plate of extra lag, followed up with a dessert of lost connection to host, you might get a slight taste of server told to disconnect from listen service, with just a hint of server timed out, you might be lucky enough to get a helping of error codes a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z, then ontop of this magnificent meal before you can eat you must update the receipe with a 2.3gb update and an extra 700mb of topping, but wait theres more …when you open the recipe you realise theres no writing anymore and you can only look at the recipe online only, but on the back page of this recipe theres usually a disclaimer but on this one theres discrimination against people who own this receipe because theres a better recipe out and there just concentrating on that one and if you cant afford this new recipe book because of funds you might aswell act like a chicken and go stuff yourself..
When I play local zombies and click the start button to go to the menu, the game keeps running, does anybody know how to fix this?
Having bought bo3 on the xbox360 I wish I had kept my money it crashes after every game and totally ruins the experience, I am feeling a bit robbed it was fine until the last update, well done for ruining a great game I hope they fix it.
Help! In the level “vengeance” I killed all the 54i combatants but nothing happens. I’m just circling the map while Hendricks stays behind cover. Please help I don’t know what to do
I have call of duty black ops 3 for the ps3.
It wont work properly, matchmaking is slow and not good, many times it runs still and I need to reset my whole console?
What can I do about this?
Its happens on xbox one
I cant change or access my emblem paintjob variant clan tag or calling card they are all locked.
I can change my calling card but It doesn’t save. please help
Bro i getting the same thing haven’t been able to fix it but it has something to do with parent safety control
When i click store on pc nothing happens
This sucks worse than any CO game ever. I own all of them. We drop a lot of money to play these games and it’s not even working right. Error after every game. Can’t connect to a match. The game is great…when you can play it. Xbox360
What a broken pile of shit., how they get away with selling it idk game crashes every fking 5 seconds every time i try to put primary gunfighter 3 on crash and more crash and more fking crash
Xbox one is so sloppy. Please don’t buy I am warning you your going to waste tones of money on a terrible piece of garbage. It takes about 1 hour to download the game then you have to update it.. Another 39 minutes then there are millions of glitches blue screan freezing ect. So please do not buy
heres a bug thats really annoying me… my haymaker 12 in zombies is stuck on lvl 1 every other gun has only needed not even 50 kills to get lvl 2 + well my haymaker will not lvl up it is stuck on lvl 1 and currently i have 512 kills with it so it should be at around lvl 8 by now and heres the weird part although its not lvling up for me i can still unlock camos for it…… i will not be doing a fresh restart i am prestige 6 and really cant be bothered getting back all my current stats for something that shouldnt be happening. theres a glitch for you treyarch fix this crap
I got the game today for my xbox one and it says installing on my games and apps but it has been at 0 for an hour and i restarted it many times. I bought the digital version if that makes a difference
i have missing textures in the game can someone help…
what platforms?
Why cant I rank up offline? Is it because I am offline?
when im in game my game chase
crashes it´s on ps3
yes many times
Whenever I go in to fullscreen, my games shutsdown imedialty without a crash report window or anything. This has only started happening today (11/25/15). Please help? i’ve tried restarting but this doesnt work. Thanks!
Ok guys, I need some help. I have the downloaded pre order bo3 and I can not get the system to acknowledge a second player so that a friend and I can play. This goes for on and offline attempts. Anyone else having this issue? If so, is there a fix?
Oh and this is for PS3
for pc users getting the can’t connect error: try disabling the antivirus/firewall then DO A RESTART then try again…worked for me!
using bitdefender btw.
Everytime if i start a bo3 zombie game even solo the game crashes after the loading bar is full and the normally should start. Anyone known with this issue? How do i fix this
I read online to to fix it. Worked both times. I am reposting to help. when you put the game in start the game don’t push any buttons for 2 minutes while the loading screen comes on after 2-3 minutes today and start the game there you go
I buy Black Ops 3 for my PC my SO is W10, inside the package there are 6 dvd’s: It took a long time to install, and and when finished installing, when I wanted to run BO3 , Steam simply said … Run ,,, and ready to play, but not starting. I was desperate, spent € 59 with the game and Steam does not do the proper job. I am angry !
I think the team that developed the game is worth nothing
My call of duty is not letting me online it keeps saying the server is not available but all of my friends are playing it and I’m getting very angry ?
My black ops 3 keeps not letting me on and it’s just saying play local and keep coming up with the arc error code any won have any suggestions!!!!!
I like many of you had the same . Did all the diagnostics Internet speed and connections where great. Still nothing couldn’t play a game of bo3 for the life of me due to internet connection and it only happens with this game so I went and picked up a router range extender and literally it fixed all my problems.
I have the game for xbox 360 and cant even find a match to play online. Is activision already working on this error
I’m still getting black scren crashes, always on hunted and redwood. anyone have a fix for this?
So while trying to play on my daughters account I got a blue screen with white lettering I didn’t see what it said it clicked off to fast. What does that mean? Because it took me and my gf a few minstrel to get online after that. Kept giving us error codes.
hard wired. 80mps upload. xbox1. NAT OPEN. Whenever someone in the game speaks into their headset, my screen freezes. Every. damn. time. SO, I have to permanently keep all but party muted…and NOT play in a party. On top of that, I’ll join a lobby or two where 5+ rounds seem to get the kill. Anywher on the body. But more often than not, it takes 14+ rounds to the chest and head. But I die instantly. As if everyone playing CODBOPS3 has a titanfall smart pistol and I’m blasting a supersoaker. wtf
I just bought this game a few days ago, im playing PS3.
This sh!t doesnt work..i get the same error messages as the rest of you…
When i finally get in a game it either kicks me out, freezes or the connection is so bad that i envy a 128kb modem-even though my connection is 50/50 Mbps.
Come on Treyarch…did Anonymous hack your shit or what.
maybe it has to do with the controller, but when I use my Xbox 360 controller, the start and back buttons don’t work in game. They work just fine when navigating through the menus. Anyone else?
I never had that before, but it started doing it today. Have you found a way for fixing it or no?
Iv’e had the same issue. The buttons quit working on mine as well. I read a solution that said reset controller bindings to default, but that didn’t work for me. I’d like to know if anyone finds a solution.
Hey guys,
I have a problem with the Dual Wield achievement in Multiplayer where you need to kill 10 players for the rank 1. I’ve played several games with the first pistol and dual wield attachin domination and kill confirm in hardcore mode but the achievement stays 0/10. Was wondering if I was the only one or you guys already knew the issue.
thx, love the game <3
There is no such line as “WorkerThreads=4” in the config 🙁 so i can’t change it
and as i trued high priority, i got bluescrren -.- thanks
I have a ps3 .. Just bought bo3 . Downloading update data started when i entered the game . Its been almost 4 hours ? I try restarting it , it just sloooowwlllyyy proceeds . Super ultra slow ? Where is the problem ? ??
I have a ps3 .. Just bought bo3 . Downloading update data started when i entered the game . Its been almost 4 hours ? I try restarting it , it just sloooowwlllyyy proceeds . Super ultra slow ? Where is the problem ?
Since I bought black ops 3 this shit keeps freezing up all the fucking time does somebody knows where to call so they can give me answers? Or maybe get my money back I have read there is alot people having same problem
The problem im having is right at the start before the game even start. it requires Compatibility Pack 1, but keeps getting “Download Stopped”.
Any help please!!!
Everytime I try and find a match on my xbox 360, I get in a lobby of people but the voting maps don’t show up and nothing happens. I just sit in a lobby of people and a game never begins. Anyone know if this problem is getting fixed?????
Umm this light help some but it is stupid so i got the abc error and then i tried to do the thing that i wait in the starting screen and it will update the version…. It didn’t work after that either but when i shared the internet from my phone it and used it on my ps4 it worked just fine…. I really hope this will get fixed.
I’m playing Xbox 360 version of black ops 3 and I was playing Core TeamDeath last night just fine and now today only certain things in Core work and other things seem to be working fine what could this be….Is this problem cause it’s kind of annoying.
With blue screen on PC you can keep pressing TAB + ALT about 10 times it works for me
I can’t enter in any game i can’t do the Matchmaking y have 2 days without play online please help y have a xbox 360
I played already im level 12 but a can’t play again couse i can’t do the Matchmaking anymore with mi xbox 360
PLEASE HELP ME. Whenever I try tonplay zombies ther is s message like this “game settings hahe changed. Updating to the latest game settings will put you back to the main menu” Wtf? I already update the game and I dont know what else to do.
When click “play online” my screen takes a while to load and then something pops up saying error code A.-.-.-.-.F.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
when i close the game my saves are erased and i must play again all please help
on PC
Hii i just got black ops 3 for the pc i download it game comes up to main screen (press enter to joint game) i press enter then i get a windows message saying,
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available, Tryed to redownload it but still the same message. NEED HELP PLZ!!!
Is anyone else having the problem of that they cant change their callingcard, emblem, or clan tag?
Massive issue using my ps3, won’t connect online and have check all other possible problems with connective and everything is good. I keep getting a abcdef. ….. error when I try go online wtf? Any suggestions ?
everytime i try to complete the second mission it gets stuck in a loop on the weird cutscene , its the last mission i need to do to get the last 2 achievments for completing campaign on veteron any way to fix??
i cant hear my game, what cant i do to fix it??
I have it for PS3 and it keeps prompting me to do and update, however the update won’t install..advice please? I have been trying to get it to work for about 6 days now.
im level 9 online and didnt get cryptokey yeth is that normal
I can play normally but after a while the game just shuts down and my screen goes black.. PLZ help
hey so when i log into the game, im at the title screen and all i can see is the dudes arms, and the rest is a blur that moves around like i just won a solitaire game…. there are infinite layers of the movement in his arms. persists in all game modes: zombies, multiplayer and campaign to the point where i cant even see anything but the original screen image…
also just found out that the solo on zombies doesnt work at all… i get to the girl stabbing the guy and then it cuts everything off and sends me back to the zombies main menu with the error code: disconnected from host, cept im the host right???
YESSS! Me too I was getting so pissed
i got a glitch in my Call of Duty Black Ops 3 how can I fix that?
I bought the xbox360 bo3 and it was terrible, I got it the 6th of November(the day it came out) and was not one server online. I thought maybe I’ll give it a day or two, servers started to appear, but they are glitching, you enter a full lobby it says waiting for more players, other servers have no maps showing up or just as the game starts the server crashes, it’s crazy!! And when you do get on a game it usually cuts out or says migrating hosts, whenever it says migrating hosts it freezes my whole xbox and the other day my control froze too and kept vibrating, all the battery was drained. I did not pay all that money for a pile of shit, not only have they removed the features but they can’t even get a fucking server running, dreadful.. I advise everyone not to purchase until ALL problems are fixed..?
My copy of call of duty black ops 3 on ps3 won’t update the latest version 1.02 for black ops 3 ps3
My Kids are getting pissed as we can not play multilayer in zombies or anything else
Having the same problem if you figure something out please let me know.
My BO3 opened before while using windows 7 and now I put the 10 does not open it more for work was wondering if there is a way to pack without having to switch windows
With black ops 3 on Xbox one i cant hear my specialist and if there is a enemy uav and ally uav and all other call outs anyone know how to fix
How?!?!?!?! Or did it just randomly fix itself?
Guys can you please see if can fix the problem that some pc players can’t connect to online services,because it keeps on saying checking files and loads forever and stays in the start menu
I am having the exact same problem for 3 days now. I t just does nothing. I’ve waited a few minutes, nothing, reset router, nothing just NOTHING it’s really frustrating me now. I have been thoroughly enjoying the game despite it’s small flaws and now I just can’t play. Please help???
I should also mention that it says :
10% or whatever then it drops back down to like 2 %…. what is this bullshit…. pleeeease help
Im getting a msg in my nvidia geforce experience saying that i don’t meet the minimum requirements for optimal settings for this game. The optimal settings may unplayable framerates? im well above the minimum requirements.
Also the game I have is on PC.
How do you change the respawn because when I die it says unbound(+activate). please help its really frustrating! Also how do u change the boost jump key because I play with arrows not wasd and its really hard for me to hold down the key and keep moving. Send me a email please this would really help me out. Thanks.
What the heck…. ABCDEFGHI…….. And no campaign mode to even play.
Error coade : A.B.-.-.-.F.G.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
errrm i can load the game but all the modes are kinda blanked out i cant even select to play any mode?
I bought COD 3 yesterday and have been stuck downloading update for ps3 but I get to 10% and then it gives me download error then I’m forced to restart the whole download again I don’t know what to do my signal strength with internet is 100% so its not my internet modem
I have Xbox 1, CODBO3 was pre ordered by paying and downloading in the app store. I have tried to play but it wont let me get past the game pic. when I click the game pic it go’s to full screen then returns to the choose game page.
can anyone help.
Ps3 no option to join local co-op on multiplayer. Or zombies. Jusr waited 2hours for updaates and now can’t even play co-op. Help!
X BOX 360
I have been playing bo3 and one thing that disturbs me s on both the Campain and Multiplayer, on the maps I keep getting like a flashing light in some parts of the map, it is really annoying and I really want to play the game without having to stare at flashing lights…
Anyone who could help me?
This is SUPER annoying, i feel like i’m about to have a seizure or something. The flashing light is so strong and so fast, you cant really even look at the screen when it happens.
Looks like we need to update nvnidia drivers. I know mine aren’t too old, maybe a month.
My drivers are up to date!! I got nvidia geforce gtx 960. Ill upload an example to youtube and link it
this is BS mine wont download the compatibility pack it keeps saying the disk is full!
I had problems with automatic Shutdown of my PC … I went in to Settings>> Graphics then unchecked the sync every frame. Problem solved! hopes this helps
Error code:A.-.-D.E.F.G.H.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Q.-.-.-.-.
Help plz
What is error code: A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Q.-.-.
My xbox one black ops 3 I can’t connect online servers What is error code: A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Q.-.-.T.-.
Can anyone help? When i try to start Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta from Steam, pop-up thus error:
And if i try start this game from desktop, pop-up this error:
I already download steam_api64.dll, put it in game folder and system32 folder.
ERROR ERROR ERROR CODE where’s the solution, router only wasted my time
Black op 3 flashing or blink black creen
Having the same problem with flashing/blinking screen? Any solution?
I downloaded the beta, and it loads up to a black screen which leads to put me at the desktop and I can hear the sounds for the menu on it. But no licture and I have no video file to delete on Windows 10. Pls help
I have the exact same problem did you find a solution please reply back ) :
sound cmon please i am tired of no sound
Ye, same problem, tried everything I could come up with. So… Have you gotten any where?
Ya, no sound here neither. Any suggestions?
I hit play on steam and it says “Failed to start game (unknown error)”
Please help?
But when you go to task manager, isn’t that the same as alt-tabbing?
When I try to open the game, Black Ops 3 Logo loads a bit and then the game instantly crashes. Haven’t managed to open the game yet… I also verified files in steam and it said all good. Any help please is appreciated 🙂
I’m having trouble and so does a lot of people trying to play the PC beta version of BO3. It says that there is no dx11 video card found but I’m running a directx 11 according to my dxdiag.exe! PLEASE HELP!
Man i have same problem. The moment i got this game and it asked for Stream. I knew this wasn’t good. I sent at least 8 hours loading the game and two hours with Stream. I thinking about ebay this game but i would hate for someone to get ripped off. But anyways Did you get the game to work?
For the “Press Enter To Start Black Ops 3 PC” just install video codecs, i soon as i read this i realize that i just have instal win 10, so no codec haha
If one codec doesn’t work, another should i think! But hey, if deleting the folder work, who cares? haha
Getting the error A–defg———–t… Says there is a possibility that servers are down, which we all know is a lie. Running Windows 10 64bit. Please help me fix this issue!
Everytime I try to download the beta it says “Installing” for a minute or two and then says “Installation stopped!”. I paid for this shit and it’d be nice if it fucking worked. Hopefully they might extend the beta a couple days
Same… this is bullshit.
Beta just flat out will not install on xbox one for me. it will say its installing for about two mins and then i get the notification that it has stopped downloading and its telling me to test network connection. i check it and there’s nothing wrong with it. the people i gave the friend codes too are having the same problems. anybody else having this issue? and anybody have any ideas how to get past this? I have tried everything i can think of.
my game says installation stopped and wont ever show percentage. please help
im on xbox one btw
ever time i load the came on pc it crashes out. ive checked and double checked that ever thing is running right my computer is past the recommended requirements so i know its not that. this is the second game ive had this issue with and yes ive reinstalled them 3 times. can anyone help me?????
Well at least i am not the only one with the Q,-,-,-,T error, just wont connect no matter what i do, have checked firewall, all ok, have checked connection to net, all ok, just wont let me connect to internet, so whats the Q,-,-,-,-,-,T error about? what does it mean? i see no explanation of any error codes yet, just people having them and many A,-,B,-,C,-,D,-,E,-,G,-,H,-,-,-,-,-, codes with different end errors…so whats it about?????? anyone from Treyarch wish to comment on this?
PC, I get error ABCDEFGH.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Q.-.-.T.-.
I use wifi and cant change my LAN setting due to uni internet
🙁 fun times
I have the same error code. Did you find a solution?
Help me plz. I play on pc but mouse cursor disappears. I can not continue brightness setting. T-T
the game crashes each time i try launching it. mostly crashes while it connects to the server.
Why pay for psn if it’s just not going to work properly smh
i have this error code on my screen when i press enter A.-.-.D.E.F.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.T.-. im on PC it says “servers may be undergoing maintenance”
i have erroe code A.-.-.D.E.F.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.T.-. and it just says servers may be undergoing maintenance
I cannot get into the game on my ps4.When I downloaded it I played then when I tried to play the next day it says connecting to online servers and then a error pops up and the error is ABDEF and I restarted my router yet it still fails.
Black ops 3 beta
Hello all,
[PC] I downloaded BO3 a few Hours ago. Tried to start it. Then i got the Error that the MFPlat.dll is missing. I downloaded it. Now i can start the Game but after a few Seconds of Blackscreen my game is closing without an error. Everytime the same. I reinstalled BO3 Beta 3 times and fixed the Cache 3 times. I restarted my PC and Steam. i disabled my Windows Firewalls and Avira Antivir Firewall and updated my Grafik Card Driver. I don’t know where the Problem is. If anyone out there know how i can fix this please reply to this Thread or add me in Steam:
My PC Specs:
Windows 7 Prefoessional N
Service Pack 1 IS INSTALLED
Intel Core i7 3770k
Nvidia Geforce GTX 680
64-Bit operating System
RAM: 16 GB
If anyone know a solution, please contact me as fast as possible! 😉
Skype: realcyruz
Greetings CyruZ | Flo
And i tried to close all other Programs except Steam
Edit: Cleaned my Reg etc. with CCleaner and TuneUp, disabled Steam Overlay ingame, tried to start the game in window mode, defragment my hard drive… Nothing is working for me.
My Game Cant Start! I WANT TO PLAY!! it says failed to start (unknown error) and i verifyied the game cache nope nothing, i restarted steam nope nothing,reinstalled nope nothing,nothing and nothing! pls help me! i want to play this game so badly!!
These are the Minimal System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit / Windows 8.1 64-Bit
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-530 @ 2.93 GHz / AMD Phenom™ II X4 810 @ 2.60 GHz
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 470 @ 1GB / ATI® Radeon™ HD 6970 @ 1GB
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
You may not have enough RAM (Memory), that was my problem. 🙁
im on pc and mine just refused to load just stops working as soon as the treyarch video ends on load up, so right now for me its unplayable
me too i have the same error dude wtf i am so sad right now because i have spented 60euros to buy it and another 3 hours installing it qand it doesnt open
Error Code A.B.C.D.E.F.-.H.-.-.-.-.-.-.U.
The update/patch doesn’t even install properly. But after it did the game gives me an error message “failed to start (unknown error)
Help please. PC Platform.
As soon as I find a match it makes a weird noise then closes the game please fix soon
“Press enter to start”
Presses enter
Presses enter
Smashes Enter
Presses every button on keyboard
Of course ESC to exit works, they dont want us to play? xD
Go to the folder where the game is installed, look for the video folder and appear in a video, delete or cut and paste in desk. I hope to help you, greetings
^^^^ This works i can confirm 😀 thanks so much m3r0tt0!
Everytime i try to reedem the code i got this message
Something went wrong.
Sorry about that. Please try again later. and this code error
go to where you redeam the code and Change it at the bottom fro United States Change it to brisal and then type in your redeem code
for fuck sake… treyarch you suck! you told you will put some more effrot for pc players.. but the truth is I cant even log in to the game!!
it says “press enter to start”.
well.. im smashing the enter button, and tried every other button on my keyboard, none of them work expect esc to exit the game!
what an fantastic game! FFS!
Same here, same here.
Me too!
My friend on ps4 can’t even load the game
u are lucky mine doesnt even open ! i doubleclick it and then it shows me a 3 second activision intro and then boom my screen is black and it just closes
I know it same here
same to my xbox one…help..plz
why does it say on my xbox one it is unavailable and i have my token.
Error code blkbeta 3 code ab_def_____?/? What does it mean
ive experienced a few, i walked through a fire and the fire stayed on me until i died, also once after half time domination it kept the banner saying 81-100
I was level 37 and then I logged off of ps4,I came back on and it told me to choose a new specialist which confused me at first,then I proceeded and all my stats were RESET I went from lvl 37 to lvl 1 my paintjobs were gone and my classes,I really hope I can get my levels back!
thank you so very much
I pre orderd on psn store in May but hasn’t download automatically how can I get it to download ?
I had the beta since yesterday (lucky i got it a day early) and it worked fine. Now today my ps4 kicked me out twice, which brought me to a screen to report a error. Since then it has been a struggle to find a lobby because every time i try to go on and play it just cannot find one. Idk why it is doing that. I already restarted my ps4 and shut it off for half a hour with no use.
SAME, but i can’t play zombies when ever I play zombies it will show the cutscene at beginning but as soon as I go to skip the cutscene i get kicked to a screen where i can report the problem i have reported the problem on multiple occasions and still nothing i have re downloaded the game 3 times (PSN STORE) and it still does not let me play zombies
Mine ps4 is giving me the same problem it tells me the server is not available at this time and when it lets me in I can’t find a lobby can some one help this sucks
Each time I press [X] to start, i get an error code, A.B.C.D.E.F.-.H.-.-.-.-.-.-.U.
And above it reads that the server is not available, yet my friends are playing the Beta just fine.
Even their website is ”down for maintenance”, just as the beta starts.
If somebody know a way to get around treyarchs cheap servers, please tell me
This happened to me too i only got the game two days ago! I need help
or click on this tab to see why many PS4 users like myself are having this problem. i hope this helps you all, but my only issue is why they do not explain the reason why they have done this for. ^^
Touch up a donkey and it will work. Trust me
Each time i press [A] to start it goes to the menu then it freezes
A few of my friends can play it just fine on xbox 360 but i can’t
If someone know a solution to stop it freezing at the menu please tell me
J’ai exactement le même problème sur xbox one le zombie charge et quand j’appuis sur ‘A’ le jeu gèle et il s’arrête (retour a l’accueille automatique).
Il faut que tu enlèves tout tes accessoires d’armes, un bug d’encodage..
Mine freezes all the time how to fix?
SAME!!!!!! everytime i start the game up and then after a death match or 2 my system freezes
When I select a custom class it says an invalid selection has been made I’ve reset my classes and everything it just keeps telling me that I can’t use my custom classes. What kind of sorcery is this?
Same with mine except it says it can’t find zone_en_mp_common
every time launch the game on xbox one i click a to start and i get error codes, i can’t even play offline either, so frustrating, bought the game and still haven’t played it
Same on mine it says will go off when complete
I got the same problem too
Restart your router !
I had this problem as well as Internet connection lag I went an picked up a router range extender… i no longer have any problems with connectIon nor error codes and have finally played a few full rounds. Good luck
Mine is the same
Firstly I’m on Xbox one. I get an error that says A.F.G.H.I.J.K. Etc an the solution is to wait till the number in the top right says but mine is always a variant of 37.something. I can’t get mine to stay connected for more than half a domination game.
I know this is happening to me too