You get Tales from Elpis optional mission from Janey Springs, a mechanic with a hearth of gold, once you complete the second Main Story mission “Lost Legion Invasion“. Mission requires you to locate several “children stories” Springs wrote and managed to lose along the way.
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We get to discover some back story about Janey and why she sometimes seems a bit on the other side of sanity.Exit her garage and go southwest. If you approach the mission objective marker from above you will not be able to see the first children’s story. jump down onto the platform with an air geyser. On that platform should be a rock formation, which you can shoot to enable an air stream. If you look up you will notice the story hanging from the wreckage and above the abyss. Jump
into the air stream and it will take you all the way up to the ECHO story. Grab it mid air and use your double jump to glide back to the platform. It might take a few tries to complete this.
You’ll noticve that once you reach the mission pointer there is nothing to pick up.
Go to the ledge and look down – that is where you neeed to jhump to.
Once down, shoot that rock in front of you
It turns into an air geyser that will help you get to the ECHO story hanging from the wreckage above.
Grab the ECHO story mid air and activate your double jump.
This will make you start gliding so turn back towards the platform immediately and softly land into safety.
You will next visit the place of great tragedy for Janey. There might be some kraggor along the way, but trhey are easily killed. Find the second ECHJO story inside Springs’ old camp.
Turn south and go towards the mission marker – you will see a wreckage inside an air generator’s dome.
Open the door in the wreckage to pick up another ECHO story.
Next step of the quest will spawn a kraggor named Son of Flamey. He is not too tough, but remember to kill the grandsons of Flamey that spawn from his corpse. You also get to pick up the third Echo story from his corpse location.
Son of Flamey spawns next.
After you kill him he will leave behind the last ECHO story
Return to Springs for your reward (nice little sniper rifle that proves to be very useful early on).