Land among the stars is a side mission in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel that you get from Springs. To unlock it you first have to complete the Main Story mission “Lost Legion Invasion“.
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Your main objective is to Help springs make motivational posters.In order to complete your mission you will have to go outside Springs’ building and follow the mission locator that will take you up on top of a plateau above the building. There is a jumping pad there, which throws you into the air once you walk on it. You will complete the step Jump on jump pad the first time you activate it. Next you will have to shoot two yellow duckies while in the air. This shouldn’t be to hard – just keep your sights aligned with the tower in front and calmly shoot the left and right object.
Optional quests starts at Springs after you complete the 2nd main story mission.
Get to the jump pad located above Springs’ workshop.
Use the jump pad to make motivational posters
For your second try shoot some duckies.
For the big finale you will have to do a ground slam move on to the pressure pad right next to the jump pad. While in the air press and hold the circle button on your controller (or Hold C on your keyboard if you play on the PC), once you are high in the air, and this will cause your character to slam down on the ground hard while saying something iconic for the motivational posters. Go back to Springs’ office and use the printer to make the posters and you will be done with this fun optional mission.
Your third task is to do a ground slam. The game told you how to do this back when you acquired the Oz Kit
To do the ground slam jump with the jump pad and hold Circle on your controller when above the pressure pad.
Go back inside and print out the posters.
Springs should be right next to you so you can turn in the quest for rewards
XP: 160
Money: 28$
Gear: Freedom Oz Kit or Invigoration Oz Kit or