Borderlands 3 Shift Codes & VIP Codes
Shift Codes & VIP Points in Borderlands 3 are things that you can use to unlock different items in the game, including Gold Keys to unlock special chests, wallpapers, cosmetics, specific in-game weapons and other items, and more. They are similar in concept, and both require a Shift account, but they’re not the same. If you’ve never had experience with Shift, and indeed, even if you have, this whole thing can be kinda confusing. We hope that our Borderlands 3 Shift Codes & VIP Codes guide will clear things up, including how Shift Codes and VIP Codes work, how to get them, and more.

How Shift Codes Work in Borderlands 3?
Shift Codes in Borderlands 3 are 25-character codes that you can enter and unlock various bonuses for the game. For example, you’ll be able to get various special cosmetics. In previous games, there were event-specific cosmetics that were only available via Shift codes. More importantly, Shift keys can grant you Gold Keys. For example, code ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H should give you 3 Gold Keys. These items unlock chests that guarantee a high-rarity item (mostly guns, because Borderlands). The items you get will probably be random, but they are guaranteed to be some degree of good.
Now, to enter the Shift codes, there’s two avenues you can go down. The first one is through the appropriate menu within the game. Alternatively, you’ll enter the code by logging into your Shift account (you can also use a plethora of different accounts to sign in, such as your 2K account, Steam, Epic, PlayStation, Twitch, Xbox, etc.). The address is Just follow the instructions on the website, and you’ll be fine. You’ll have to make a Shift account anyway if you want to get in on the Vault Insider Program, but more on that later.
Now, I’m not aware of any particular way to earn these Shift keys. Please, tell me in the comments if you do know of one. However, there are a number of people on Twitter that regularly post codes, such as @dgShiftCodes. You can also scour the Borderlands forums, since there’s always some kind soul that shares the codes with the whole community.
Shift Code | Platform | Reward | Expired Date |
ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H | All | 3 Golden Keys | Unknown |
W353J-RR6RC-X96R9-C63J3-RJTFW | PC | Axton Community Day Skin + 5 Golden Keys | Unknown |
5TCJB-W9HRC-9ZRFS-K6BJB-6JCTF | XBox | Maya Community Day Skin + 5 Golden Keys | Unknown |
53KBB-KXXRC-RZ66Z-WFJBB-WSRZ3 | PC | Zer0 Community Day Skin + 5 Golden Keys | Unknown |
C35TB-WS6ST-TXBRK-TTTJT-JJH6H | PC | Salvador Community Day Skin + 5 Golden Keys | Unknown |
WJ5TB-BJSZJ-TFB6W-JTJJJ-3Z3CB | PC | Krieg Community Day Skin + 5 Golden Keys | Unknown |
CJCBB-3B9HJ-XFTXK-BJT33-HRRWB | PC | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 9/2 |
5TWBT-Z9HRK-9HRXZ-W6BTB-CZH39 | XBox | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 9/2 |
53KJ3-WTRSS-ZJK95-9TWB3-ZJ5K6 | PS | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 9/2 |
KCCJ3-CX9WF-B5BT3-TJB3T-SKK9T | PC | TPS: 5 Golden Keys | 8/26 |
KCCJ3-CX9ZB-F6FT6-WRB3T-SKK33 | XBox | TPS: 5 Golden Keys | 8/26 |
WCWJT-RF9K9-HZTCB-ZTKJJ-CZXT5 | PS | TPS: 5 Golden Keys | 8/26 |
CC5BJ-BRZKR-3KJJ3-TB3JT-9TB99 | PC | TPS: 5 Golden Keys | 8/26 |
CC5BJ-BRZSJ-6RRJ6-WF3JT-9TB69 | XBox | TPS: 5 Golden Keys | 8/26 |
KCCJ3-CX9WH-H9BW3-ZJC3T-SKKH5 | PS | TPS: 5 Golden Keys | 8/26 |
S6W3B-X9XF6-5J6CJ-T3B3T-9ZJTH | ALL | BL1: 5 Golden Keys | N/A |
9XWB3-BJ9RR-WTX5B-BTJ3B-WWRKX | ALL | BL1: 5 Golden Keys | N/A |
WB5BB-WHXHJ-XRJX5-3JBBT-BSWJF | PC | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 8/19 |
5TCJB-W9HRC-9ZRFS-K6BJB-6JCTF | XBox | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 8/19 |
C3WB3-FZWZH-9TCHW-STCJT-HKK6H | PS | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 8/19 |
WTCJT-R9RHB-XXB6C-JJJJT-S9SWC | PC | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 8/19 |
K3KTB-J9SR5-SZF6S-KF3BB-B6WTT | XBox | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 8/19 |
WBKB3-9ZKSH-HT5ZW-9JC3J-WJTKW | PS | BL2: 5 Golden Keys | 8/19 |
How VIP Codes & Points in Borderlands 3 Work – How to Get?
VIP Points, or Vault Insider Program points, in Borderlands 3 are kinda similar to Shift codes, but they are not the same. Yes, it is pretty confusing, so let’s try and break it down. First off, you still need a Shift account to be able to use your VIP Points. In fact, when signing up for the VIP account, you’ll make a Shift account.
The next step is to earn the VIP Points. You can do so by following Borderlands 3 social media accounts, watch videos, read articles, sign up for newsletters, you get the picture. For example, you can, and I quote: “start earning points right away by referring friends and creating a 2K account to stay up-to-date on 2K’s other games.” Keep checking your profile for updates on what the next thing to earn VIP points will be. If you’re a fan of Borderlands, I’m sure you’ll be all about this stuff. Personally, I find this kind of coaxing into advertising kinda gross.
Now, you use the VIP points you earn to exchange them for stuff like Gold Keys, skins, wallpapers, weapons, and more. For example, if you sign up for the VIP thing, you’ll get the Welcome Pack. Inside it, you’ll find a high-rarity grenade, a VIP weapon trinket, and shield mods. If you pre-ordered the game, you can get the Early Adopter Pack, containing the Children of the Vault weapon, an Echo Device skin, and five Gold keys for chest-opening.
Code | Point Value/Reward | Valid | Type |
PietSmietVIP | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
JoltzDude139VIP | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
JvtvVIP | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
AdmiralbahrooVIP | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
Ki11erSixVIP | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
MitsuShowVIP | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
TessachkaVIP | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
LaraLoftVIP | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
BL3REVEAL | 100 | YES | |
BL3WELCOME | 250 | yes | |
INTHEFACE | 200 | NO, | |
WUBWUBWUB | 100 | no | VAULT |
JOYPUKE | 250 | yes | vault |
LOOTLOOTLOOT | 250 | yes | |
MitsuShowE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
TessachkaE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
EdEMonsterE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
Joltzdude139E3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
Ki11ersixE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
KingGothalionE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
ProfessorBromanE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
AdmiralBahrooE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
dammit2hellE3 | 200 | NO | CREATOR |
IGNVIP | 250 | no | VAULT |
FIGHT4SANCTUARY | 250 | yes | |
Borderlands3vip | 500 | no | Vault |
TWITCHVIP | 250 | no | Vault |
GAMESPOTVIP | 250 | no | Vault |
FACEBOOKVIP | 250 | no | Vault |
SHACKNEWSVIP | 250 | no | vault |
GAMEVIP | 100 | Yes | Vault |
BL3ATE3 | 250 | yes | |
WEGOTUBOO | 200 | no | vault |
BORDERLANDSCOSPLAYE3 | 200 | no | vault |
NAYSYE3 | 200 | no | creator |
LUCKYBONEZE3 | 200 | no | creator |
GRIMMBONEZE3 | 200 | no | creator |
2kLove | 500 | yes | |
ILOVEBAGUETTE | 200 | maybe | vault |
CohhVIP | 250 | maybe | creator |
Cure4Kids | 500 | no | creator |
WHATCHUWANT | 1000 | no | Vault |
MUSHYSNUGGLEBITES | 250 | no | Vault |
HEYSUGAR | 250 | Yes | |
SOHAPPYTOGETHER | 250 | yes | |
CLAPTASTIC | 250 | yes | |
OOPS | 100 | no | vault |
BORDERLENS | 250 | no | vault |
Skagbait | 200 | yes | vault |
VIP-GUNWALL | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-GIFTSHOP | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-REDCHEST | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-COV | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-MOXXI | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-ENVART | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-CALYPSO | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-CHARCONCEPT | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-BOXCONCEPT | 200 | no | vault |
VIP-PHOTOBOOTH | 200 | no | vault |
BL3MUSEUMCOSPLAY | 500 | yes | vault |
3DJUEGOSVIP | 100 | no | vault |
HALVERHAHN | 500 | yes | vault |
BRINGMEABUCKET | 250 | no | vault |
MAYHEMPRIDE | 500 | yes | vault |
PWR2PLYRS | 250 | yes | vault |
THESEPRETZELSSUCK | 250 | no | vault |
TINKABOUTIT | 250 | no | vault |
LOOTSPLOSION | 1000 | no | vault |
MYMAIN | 250 | yes | |
BONERFART | 250 | yes | vault |
GREGORONKH | 250 | yes | creator |
LETSMAKESOMEMAYHEM | 250 | no | vault |
MAYHEM | 250 | yes | vault |
ONTHEHUNT | 250 | yes | |
FRESHBOOTY | 250 | yes | |
POWERUPEMAIL | 250 | yes | |
CRUMPOCALYPSE | 250 | yes | vault |
Dasherz | 250 | yes | |
Childrenofthevault | 1000 | yes until 8/29 | vault |
WACHSK4G | 200 | no | vault |
JABBERKUMP3L | 200 | no | vault |
D1G1KLON | 200 | no | vault |
RA1LGUN | 200 | no | vault |
5piderantcenturio | 200 | no | vault |
Phasenkl4mmerung | 200 | no | vault |
1ronbear | 200 | no | vault |
Sntnl | 200 | no | vault |
Phasenproj3ktion | 200 | no | vault |
Ph4senschlag | 200 | no | vault |
LESSTHANTHREE | 250 | yes | |
1CODE | 200 | no | vault |
GODSDONTNEGOTIATE | 250 | yes | vault |
Ehrenmann | 200 | no | vault |
BUILDURSQUAD | 250 | yes | |
OVERCLOCKED | 250 | yes | |
TWOWEEKS | 250 | yes | vault |
VIP-PAXINIT | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-PAXALAX | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-SUPERPAX | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-EATINGPAX | 100 | no | vault |
JVMVIP | 250 | yes | vault |
VIP-LOOTPAX | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-PAXSCAVENGER | 100 | no | vault |
FORTNITEXMAYHEM | 250 | yes | |
PAXSCAVENGER | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-PAXATYA | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-PAXATTACK | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-TAKEITTOTHEPAX | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-PAXTASTIC | 100 | no | vault |
SMARTOYSVIP | 100 | yes | vault |
MEDIAMARKTVIP | 100 | yes | vault |
Bolvip | 100 | yes | vault |
GAMEMANIAVIP | 100 | yes | vault |
ALLYOURGAMESVIP | 100 | yes | vault |
NEDGAMEVIP | 100 | yes | vault |
YOURGAMEZONEVIP | 100 | yes | vault |
VIP-DEATHANDPAXES | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-SMACKTHATPAX | 100 | no | vault |
VIP-KEEPINGITPAX | 100 | no | vault |
INTERTOYSVIP | 100 | yes | vault |
PLAYERONEVIP | 100 | yes | vault |
VIP-ANOTHERPAXPUN | 100 | no | vault |
ABCEASYAS123 | 250 | yes | |
vip-paxagainstthewall | 100 | no | vault |
DUCTTAPEMOD | 250 | yes | |
SEVENDAYS | 250 | yes | vault |
MADSKILLZ | 250 | yes | |
AIRLEMAGVIP | 250 | yes | vault |
ITSHERE | 1000 | yes | |
JABBER | 1000 | yes | |
Dreamlandvip | 100 | yes | vault |
UNBLINKINGEYE | 1000 | yes | |
bonjwa-bl3launch | 200 | yes | creator |
EARLYACCESS | 500 | yes | creator |
PIETSMIET-BL3LAUNCH | 200 | yes | creator |
LARALOFT-BL3LAUNCH | 200 | yes | creator |
DOKTORFROID-BL3LAUNCH | 200 | yes | creator |
ALMOSTTHERE | 1000 | yes | |
OVERABILLION | 1000 | yes |
If you're having trouble with other things in the game, you might want to check out some of the other guides we've written. We've listed the locations of Red Chests, Typhon Logs, Dead Claptrap Parts and Hijack Targets. We've explored the mission choices, like what happens when you side with Holder or Ramsden in On The Blood Path, or when you tell Rhys to keep or lose mustache in Atlas at Last. We've also covered secrets, like the one where you have to open the Holy Broadcast Center locked door.