Red Chest Locations in Borderlands 3
Red Chests in Borderlands 3 are a sort of collectible in the game that you can find in every map. There are three Borderlands 3 red chest locations in each area: The Droughts, Meridian Metroplex and Outskirts, Lectra City, Athenas, etc. You need to know where to find red chests in Borderlands 3 in order to complete all the maps 100%. That’s to say nothing of all the cool loot that you get from them. Now, some of the red chest locations are locked behind main and side missions, and some of them even seem to be missable. That being the case, welcome to our Borderlands 3 Red Chest Locations guide, where we’ll show you where to find and how to get all red chests in the game. The latest Borderlands 3: Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC didn’t add any new Red Chest locations.

Borderlands 3 Rare Spawn Hunt Locations – Legendary Weapons, Artifacts, Mods, Shields
What are Red Chests in Borderlands 3?
So, those are all 57 Red Chest locations in Borderlands 3. Each one of them tends to come with some pretty good loot, often Epic, and sometimes even Legendary. So, it always pay off to go out of your way to find them. That said, it bears mentioning that there are a few chests that are technically missable. Those are the ones that are hiding within side quests, and we’ve made sure to point those out, just in case. The others are available pretty much whenever you want them, even if you have to beat a boss again to access them.
BL3 The Droughts Red Chest Locations Map
One Red Chest location in The Droughts in Borderlands 3 is in Ellie’s Garage. Or, to be more exact, on top of Ellie’s Garage. To reach this Red Chest, facing the entrance to the garage, go around to the left. Hop onto the squashed bus, then jump and climb onto the roof. The chest is on top of the roof, which you can now reach. Plunder it and continue on your journey.
Another Red Chest is behind the Powerful Connections side quest. In this quest, your task will be to find a Skag Spine and basically use it to repair a circuit breaker. There’s also an optional step where you also have to collect a human spine. In order to get to the chest, you absolutely must get both spines. When you do, proceed with the quest. Marcus will trick you into using the human spine first. After you use the Skag spine, you’ll gain access into his secret stash. That’s where the red chest is.
The third Droughts Red Chest is hidden in the Dump on Dumptruck side quest. Near the end of the mission, after you kill the boss, Ellie will tell you that there’s a secret stash somewhere. To find it, look for a red target just above the place where you killed Dumptruck, at the top of the building. Shoot the target, and go right. Drop down into the secret area to find the chest.
BL3 Ascension Bluff Red Chest Location – How to Get?
To get the one and apparently only red chest in Ascension Bluff in Borderlands 3, you’ll have to push trough the game’s main story until the Blood Drive main mission. This will bring you back to Pandora, and you’ll be able to get the Pandora’s Next Top Mouthpiece side mission. This will require you to kill the brand-new Mouthpiece. After the boss battle, the game will direct you to play Mouthpiece’s Organ. This will open a secret door in the Holy Broadcast Center of a stash that’s chock-full of chests, including the red one. The door is just to the left of the organ.
BL3 Meridian Outskirts Red Chest Locations
The first and only Red Chest in Meridian Outskirts in Borderlands 3 is not hard to find. Exit the hangar where the fast travel station is, and turn left immediately. You’ll come across a chain link fence elevator that leads you to the upper platform. Battle your way forward, and look for a staircase leading downwards on the left. Climb down, and hop into the purple-lit container. The red chest is right there.
BL3 Meridian Metroplex Red Chest Locations Map

You’ll gain access to the three Meridian Metroplex Red Chest locations as you push on through the Hostile Takeover mission. The first one we’ll cover, the one on the left in the image above, is easy to find. From the place where you meet Zer0, go left into the large courtyard. Climb up the stairs and go into the hallway in the center. The chest looks like a hoverboard, and it’s by the hole in the ground.

The second chest is in the arena where you battle against Gigamind. After you kill the boss, make sure to comb through the arena thoroughly. The red chest is in a small, red alcove in the north wall of the arena.

The third chest is a tad more difficult to find. In the east of the area where the chest is, there are three yellow containers stacked on each other; two below, and one on top. Climb up them, and hop over to the narrow pathway. Turn right and walk down the path, climb over yet another container, crouch under the pipe, and boom, there you are.
BL 3 Lectra City Red Chest Locations

One of the Red Chests in Lectra City becomes available in the Kill Killavolt mission, which Moxxie gives you. This mission is how you get to Lectra City. In the southeast of the area, you’ll find the Big Dock Energy area. Yes, really. Climb up the stairs on the right, then up the two yellow containers stacked on top of each other. Hop onto the hanging container, then onto the magnet to get to the chest.
The second chest, the one in the north of the map provided above, is very easy to find. All you have to do is climb the long staircase that leads to a small, open area where the chest is.

Finally, the third chest is behind the boss battle with Killavolt. When you kill him, a door is going to open to the west. In the small corridor, you’re going to find the red chest on the left.

BL3 Athenas Red Chest Locations
One of the Red Chests in Athenas in Borderlands 3 will become available to you during the Impending Storm questline. After you meet Ava, she’ll lead you into the cemetery, where you’ll have to search a crypt for Eridium. Before you do, though, find your way over the fence in the south of the area. Carefully drop down to the lower platform. You’ll find a chair there, some empty bottles, a banjo, some candles, and the red chest.
There’s another red chest hiding in the Impending Storm mission. As you go through, you’ll come across the Anchorhold area, which also comes with its own fast travel station. The Anchorhold is a temple-like structure, with a huge, hooded, four-armed statue, so it’s hard to miss. As you explore it with Maya, you’ll come across an Eridian Slab (a slab of rock with an intricate red symbol on it). The red chest is behind the slab. Yes, it doesn’t look like your regular red chest, but there you have it.

The third and final red chest in Athenas is behind the Holy Spirits side mission. During the mission, you’ll have the optional step to find five intoxicated ratch livers. You have to complete this step to earn the red chest. If you need help, check out our Holy Spirits Intoxicated Ratch Liver Locations guide. Hand the quest back when you complete everything, and Brother Mendel will open a door for you, behind which the red chest lies.

BL3 Skywell-27 Red Chest Locations Map

The first red chest is in the Katagawa Pleasure Pit, which you can find on the map by following the mark for Moxxi’s Slots. That’s pretty much in the center of the map. The only catch is that it’s on a lower level, so you’ll have to find a hole to drop down. Which is the hole just above the Pleasure Pit, so it’s all fairly easy.
The second red chest in Skywell-27 is in the arena where you fight the Katagawa Ball boss. When you kill it, go into the corridor in the southwest corner of the arena. Inside, you’ll find the Laser Control Room fast travel station, and the red chest is right next to it.
BL3 Atlas HQ Red Chest Locations – Where to Find?

The first red chest you can find in Atlas HQ in Borderlands 3, you’ll first have to play through the Atlas, at Last mission until you kill Katagawa Jr. Once you do, turn around and go back inside the building through the doorway just below the place where you slid down into the arena. Turn right immediately, and go down the small staircase. You’ll see the chest next to some machinery.
The next chest is very close, so let’s go ahead and grab that one, too. Follow the corridor described above to the south, then to the east. When you reach the dead end, look left to see the second red chest in Atlas HQ.

To get the third chest in Atlas HQ, talk to Rhys in the CEO’s office when he has the yellow exclamation point. He’ll give you a side quest called Ratch’d Up. Proceed with the mission until you get to the “Place Terry’s Brain” step. Before placing the brain into the machine, go into the small room on the left to find the red chest.

BL3 Neon Arterial Red Chest Location
There is only one red chest in Neon Arterial, and you don’t have to be in any main or side mission to find it. Push your way to the north of the map, until you reach the Green Diamond. Look to the southwest of the complex, and note the pink neon door under the big Tickets sign. To the left of the door is a booth full of burning grills. Hop inside and find the red chest in the middle of the booth.
BL3 Forgotten Basilica Red Chest Locations Map
There are two red chests in the Forgotten Basilica, and they’re both at the tail end of the Beneath the Meridian main mission. Fight your way through until you enter the Forgotten Basilica. Defeat The Rampager, and walk through the shimmery, purple doorway. This will transport you into a strange, otherworldly place known as the Vault of the Rampager. The two chests are on opposite sides of the vault.

BL3 Floodmoor Basin Red Chest Locations Map

The first red chest you might come across in Floodmoor Basin is in the Guns of Reliance quest. Push through until you talk to Clay and get the prompt to shoot the door control. Once you do, and the door explodes, go inside the small shack. That’s where the red chest is.

The second chest is a little more complicated. First off, go to The Timbermills where the log “gondolas” go (check the image below for the exact location). Jump onto the logs when they come around, and relax for a bit. When you reach Fort Sunshine, hop off the logs to the left. Climb the small staircase on the left, and go into the small room with No Access written above. Help yourself to the red chest.
Lastly, go to the small, isolated area in the northwest of Floodmoor Basin, where the local Legendary Hunt takes place. Kill the Chonk Stomp and look for the red chest in the west of the “arena.”

BL3 The Anvil Red Chest Locations Map – Where to Find?

The first chest in The Anvil is kinda tricky. Start in the cell blocks, and go to the first floor. Head through the door to the north, and you’ll come inside a small room with something that looks like a huge screen. There’s a smashed vent above that “screen,” so climb inside and go right. In the next room, press the button on the console right in front of you, and go down the ladders on the left.
Head forward and head left into the glass skyway. Jump onto the boxes on the right, then drop down to the containers below. Climb onto the concrete ledge, and go right. Hang a left, and you’ll see a small alcove on the left. That’s where the red chest is, along with another, regular chest.
The second Anvil red chest is in the Devil’s Saucepan, which is the circular area in the northwest of the map. There’s a Target of Opportunity there, and you can use that marker to guide you. From the entrance into The Devil’s Saucepan, head left and climb the long staircase. head left again and climb another long staircase to the top floor. Once again, hang a left and hop onto the small piece of broken floor in front of the red doorway. The chest is inside said doorway.

To get to the third and final red chest in The Anvil, go all the way through the Hammerlocked main mission. Once you kill the Warden, and release Hammerlock from his prison, head into the northeast corridor, the one opposite where you entered the arena. At the end of the corridor, you’ll find the red chest to the left of the large desk.

BL3 Jakobs Estate Red Chest All Locations Map

The first red chest in Jakobs Estate you’re likely to come across is in the Jakobs Manor; more specifically, in Monty’s Den, below the theater. You’ll come across this location during the Lair of the Harpy main mission, once you reach the Take Record step. When you take the record, the wall will collapse, revealing the basement exit and the red chest.

The second chest is behind the Witch’s Brew side mission. It unlocks after you complete the Lair of the Harpy main quest. To start the quest, talk to Murl in the southeast of the map; you’ll find him by following the yellow exclamation point. Proceed with the quest until you reach The Unhallowed Bog. The red chest is in the southeast of the bog, surrounded by four heads oon stakes.

BL3 Voracious Canopy Red Chest Locations – How to Get?

The first red chest we’ve discovered in the Voracious Canopy area of Borderlands 3 was after the boss GenIVIV. You’ll battle GenIVIV at the tail end of the Family Jewel main story mission. Once you kill the boss and get a message from Tannis, turn to the south of the area, and you’ll spot a door that’s gonna open. Behind it, you’ll find the Bridge of the Jewel fast travel station, and the red chest is in the corner of the room.

While you’re on board the Family Jewel, go to the opposite side of the Family Jewel. If you go to the location provided on the map above and below, you’ll come across a small door with a red neon light above it. It’s kind of an engine room of some sort. Go inside, and go around to the left to spot the chest.

The third and final red chest in Voracious Canopy is a bit of a puzzle. First off, facing the entrance into the glass dome in the Science Outpost, head to the left. You’ll see a splatter of yellow paint on some crates, so climb up to the small shack above. Now, the red chest is another shack, the one just across the chasm, but the door is locked. So, clamber up onto the lower roof of the first shack. Aim for the window of the shack you’re trying to get into. Shoot the target that you can now see, and quickly run and jump before the door closes.
BL3 Ambermire Red Chest Locations Map

The first Borderlands red chest we’ve found in Ambermire was in the southeast of the region. The main story mission Going Rogue is gonna lead you there during the Secure Docks and Move ship scanner into place quest steps. In the north of the Docks, there’s a crane, and next to it, there are some containers stacked on top of each other. Climb on top of them, and you’ll find the chest easily.

Next, we’re going to the central north of the area, as indicated on the maps. Once there, you’ll find a tall building with a huge sunrise logo, with a staircase leading to the left. Go underneath the staircase, and you’ll find a small, boarded-up alcove where the red chest is hidden.

The third red chest in Ambermire is in the Mudneck Hideout / Tig’s Big Rigs. Go inside, and jump onto the red platform on the right. Then, jump onto and climb the ladder. Follow the path, and jump onto the next ladder in front of you, and climb that, too. Keep on the path, and you’ll come across a pipe on top of a speaker. Jump onto the pipe, then onto the balcony just above. Open the red chest.
BL3 Blackbarrel Cellar Red Chest Location – Where to Find?
To find the single red chest in Blackbarrel Cellar, well start from the fast travel station. From it, go all the way to the southwesternmost room. Use the tracks to make your way to the next area, the Forgotten Halls. Go through the door with the sign BEDNG 3 above. In the next room, look for the crates with yellow paint. Climb onto them, then onto the walkway above. Go around the walkway to the right. The red chest will be on your right as you round the corner.
BL3 Devil’s Razor Red Chest Locations Map – How to Get?

There are two red chests in Devil’s Razor, and both of them are fairly well-hidden. The first one is in the north of Devil’s Razor, as you can see on the map. Now, we’re going to approach it from the elevated platform at the southeastern wall of the factory / fortress. Consult the image below. At one of the pipes there, you’ll find a yellow-splattered platform that you can climb. Turn right, and jump on top of the pipe, then onto the platform above and to the left.
From there, go around the pipe on the left, and approach the edge. Below you, you’ll find another large pipe you can drop onto, so do just that. Walk along the pipe, then jump down onto yet another pipe, the one on the right. Go forward and to the left, dropping from the pipe. You’ll spot the red chest quickly.
Next up, we’re going southeast, to the “fortress” there. Our goal is to climb to the top of the tower. So, go inside the stronghold, and walk through the green-lit corridor. Take a left, go into the next room, and climb the ladder on the left. Then, climb up the platform on the left. From there, it’s easy to skip and hop your way to the top, and the red chest.
BL3 Splinterlands Red Chests Locations Map

The first red chest in Spilterlands is super-easy to find. All you have to do is get the garage in the north of the area. Just find the icon of keys on the map and go there. You can easily make it by going west from the fast travel station in the northeast. Once there, hop onto one of the boxes on the sides of the garage, and onto the roof of the garage.

Next up, go to the small area in the southeast marked on the map. Guess what, you’ll get to ride a roller coaster! The bad news is, there’s a number of targets on the way that you’ll have to shoot. Only when you do, a door at the beginning / ending of the roller coaster will open. The red chest is inside that room.

BL3 Carnivora Red Chest Locations Map – Where to Find?

The first red chest you can find in Carnivora in Borderlands 3 is in the southeast, in the shantytown of Stacked Deck. The red chest is near the west wall of the area, but pretty high of the ground. The layout is a little confusing, but it’s not too difficult.

Next up, we’re going to the northwest. Specifically, we’re going to the north of the circular building there. There’s a shed / garage next to some tanks. Slide into the garage to find the red chest. Easy-peasy.

BL3 Guts of Carnivora Red Chest Locations
In Guts of Carnivora, go to the area a floor below the large, circular area on the map. There, if you look up, you’ll find a ruptured pipe that’s letting off steam. Use the nearby crates to get onto the pipe. Then, use the steam to reach the red chest platform.

Next up, we’re going west. During the Blood Drive main mission, during the Find Tannis step, you’ll come across a huge pipe that’s all splattered with blood. Jump onto the pipe below, then across to the narrow walkway. The red chest is at the end of the walkway.

BL3 Konrad’s Hold Red Chest Location – How to Get?
To get the single red chest in Konrad’s Hold in Borderlands 3, you’ll have to play through the Childhood’s End side quest. During the Find Hyperion RKT Sentry step, the game is gonna take you around through a cave to the upper level of the garage in order to push a button. When you do, before jumping down, look across the room. You’ll spot two targets that you can shoot. Make sure that both of them are on the left, and this will open a secret compartment in the eastern part of the garage. Go inside and get the red chest.
BL3 Sandblast Scar Red Chest Location
The one and only Borderlands 3 red chest location in Sandblast Scar can be reached during the Angels and Speed Demons main mission, or at any other point after you unlock this area (thanks for the correction, Scott). Near the end of the driving section, you’ll roar into a Children of the Vault stronghold. As soon as you jump the ramp in the stronghold, exit the vehicle and go into the barracks in the north, aka immediately to the right after you land the jump. The red chest is hidden behind a huge tank.
BL3 Cathedral of the Twin Gods Red Chest Locations Map

The first red chest in the Cathedral of the Twin Gods is in the middle north part of the map. We’re gonna start by sliding through a garage door that’s below the glowing Children of the Vault sign and the number 17. Look at the images below if you need help with orientation. When you slide under the door, jump up the boxes on the right. Break the wood barring the door, and walk towards the Virgin Mary “painting.” Go down the stairs on the right, and you’ll find the red chest in the far left corner.
To get to the second red chest, you’ll have to go to the location of the Legendary Hunt of the Cathedral of the Twin Gods. Push all the way through to the northwest corner of the map. Between the two, huge statues, there’s a hole you can drop into. Turn around, and enter the small room. Kill Crushjaw, and jump down another hole to find the red chest.
BL3 Desolation’s Edge Red Chest Locations Map – How to Get?

The first red chest is pretty easy to find. The only catch is that it’s at the end of a side mission; specifically, the one called Homeopathological. It unlocks after / during the Footsteps of Giants main mission. Near the very end of Homeopathological, you’ll get the Open Box of Tranquility step, which is basically just opening the red chest.

The second chest is also relatively simple. After you finish the Footsteps of Giants main quest, you’ll unlock the Cannonization side mission. When you complete that, another yellow exclamation mark will appear above the same NPC, Grouse. Talk to the robot again, and pick up the Bad Vibrations quest. After you clean the steam vent, you can ride the steam to the top of this area, called Quietus Pike. Near the top, you’ll spot a platform with a short, stone walkway. The red chest is there.

The third red chest in Desolation’s Edge can be accessed in free-roam. It’s in the southwest corner of the map. Look out for a doorway lit with red neon. Go inside, and climb up the stalagmites to the left of the door to find the red chest.
BL3 Tazendeer Ruins Red Chest Locations Map

The first red chest in Tazendeer Ruins is in the north of the map; consult the images below for the exact location. Find the tongue-like “branch” of the tree, grown over with red vines. Hop onto it, then follow the path behind it until you reach an entrance grown over with brambles. Destroy the brambles, and you’ll find the red chest on top of a rock formation.
The second red chest in Tazendeer Ruins is easy to find, but not necessarily a cakewalk to actually get, because a Legendary Hunt is there. Go to the easternmost point on the map, across the bridge of giant stone statues. Once you reach the monolith-like structure in the center, Atomic and Sylvestro will attack you. When you kill them, open the red chest at the base of the monolith.

BL3 Pyre of Stars Red Chest Locations Map – Where to Find?

The first red chest in The Pyre of Stars is available during the Climb Eridian Steps in the In the Shadow of Starlight main mission. In this step, you’ll have to climb up some large pillars. When you reach the top pillar, don’t proceed where the quest takes you. Instead, turn right, and use the platforms to hop into the diamond-shaped doorway. Slide under to barrier to reach the red chest.

The second red chest is hiding in the Wet Well area, which you’ll come across during the Follow Typhon step of the In the Shadow of Starlight quest. When you enter the Wet Well, look straight in front of you. You’ll see a triangular opening that’s covered by a waterfall. Walk through the waterfall, and look to your right to find the chest.

BL3 Destroyer’s Rift All Red Chest Locations
Both red chest locations in Destroyer’s Rift are near the very end of the main story of the game. After you defeat the final boss, you’ll get the Loot Vault step of the Divine Retribution mission. Go inside the vault. The two red chests are on the opposite sides of the huge statue in the back of the vault.

If you're having trouble with other things in the game, you might want to check out some of the other guides we've written. We've listed the locations of Red Chests, Typhon Logs, Dead Claptrap Parts and Hijack Targets. We've explored the mission choices, like what happens when you side with Holder or Ramsden in On The Blood Path, or when you tell Rhys to keep or lose mustache in Atlas at Last. We've also covered secrets, like the one where you have to open the Holy Broadcast Center locked door.
Thanks for the corrections, Scott!
The red chest location in the sandblast scar.
1. Angels and speed demons is a main mission not a side mission
2. This chest can be accessed at any point not just during the mission