
Bloodborne PC Rumors Are Heating Up
Bloodborne is one of the best PS4 exclusives and one of the best games of this generation, and rightfully so. The game turned the Souls formula sideways with faster combat, demand for aggressive play, unforgettable boss battles, and a chunky campaign. Visuals were also top-notch, with beautiful architecture, stunning world design, and repulsive enemies. But…

Bloodborne Board Game Campaign on Kickstarter Starts April 23rd
CMON Games has set a launch date and time for the Kickstarter campaign for their board game adaptation of Bloodborne. Unpretentiously called Bloodborne: The Board…

Bloodborne Return to Yharnam Community Event Announced
The Bloodborne community is coming together for another Return to Yahrnam this month. It’s going to start on March 10th, and should end two weeks…

Bloodborne Comic Coming February 2018, Cover Art Revealed
If you’re obsessed with Bloodborne, you’re probably extremely antsy about the continuation of the series. As it stands now, we don’t know if that will…

Bloodborne The Old Hunters Edition 2017 Re-Release
Released back in March 2015, the PS 4 exclusive Bloodborne received wide critical acclaim. One of its most popular features are the PvP and co-op…
Bloodborne ARCHIVE
Eileen the Crow Location Guide
There is a very strange NPC, you can come across very early on in Bloodborne, called Eileen the Crow. She is a friendly hunter of…
Gehrman, The First Hunter kill guide
Gehrman, The First Hunter, is among the last and one of the toughest bosses in Bloodborne. To defeat him you will have to truly master…
Executioner Armor Set Location
Executioner Armor Set is a set of clothes in Bloodborne. It offers great protection against blunt attacks, and can be found in Forsaken Cainhurst Castle….
Reiterpallasch Sword Location Guide
Reiterpallasch is a trick weapon in Bloodborne. It can be found in Forsaken Cainhurst Castle. It is a one-handed sword that transforms into a gun-saber….
Evelyn Pistol Location Guide
Evelyn is a firearm in Bloodborne. You can find it in Forsaken Cainhurst Castle. It scales amazingly with Bloodtinge, so every hunter that relies on…
Knight’s Armor Set Location
Knight’s Armor Set is a collection of clothes in Bloodborne. It offers great Blood protection and can be found in Forsaken Cainhurst Castle. In this…
Cainhurst Castle Guide
Forsaken Cainhurst Castle is an optional area in Bloodborne. You don’t have to visit it in order to finish the game, but you should. There…
Special Hunter Tools Locations Guide
Special Hunter Tools are rare items you can get in Bloodborne. They require a lot of Arcane to wield and spend Quicksilver Bullets when used….
Caryll Runes locations and how to use runes guide
Bloodborne Caryll Runes are items which players can use to add different bonuses to their characters. These items can boost your character stats, enhance weapons,…
Iosefka’s Clinic Guide
Iosefka’s Clinic is an important area in Bloodborne. It is located right next to the place where you start the game, although you need to…
Shadows of Yharnam boss kill guide
Shadows of Yharnam are a boss fight in Bloodborn. They can be found in the Forbidden Woods zone. This is a very tough fight and…
One Third Of Umbilical Cord Locations
One Third Of Umbilical Cord is a special item in Bloodborne. If you collect three of them and use them before you talk to Gehrman…
All Endings Guide
There are three different endings you can get in Bloodborne. One of them is bad, the other is good, and the third one is being…
Rom, the Vacuous Spider Guide
Rom, the Vacuous Spider was the eight boss for us in Bloodborne. Rom, unlike many other bosses, is not optional and you have to kill…
Rifle Spear Location And Stats Guide – Bloodborne Weapons
Rifle Spear is one of the trick weapons in Bloodborne. It is a spear with a gun attached, so you can both pierce and shoot…
Ludwig’s Holy Blade Location And Stats Guide – Bloodborne weapons
Ludwig’s Holy Blade is a trick weapon in Bloodborne. It is a sword with two forms – a thin, long sword that is used alongside…
Cannon Location And Stats Guide – Bloodborne weapons
Cannon is one of the left-hand weapons in Bloodborne. Unlike most firearms, the cannon doesn’t stagger your opponents, but actually does damage – lots of…
Bloodborne Trophies / Achievements List
While wandering throughout the ruined city of Yharnam, players can complete 34 Trophies / Achievements in all: 1 Platinum, 6 Gold, 7 Silver, and 20…
Amygdala Boss, How To Find and Kill it
Full strategy walkthrough to help you beat Amygdala boss in Bloodborne and earn Chalice of Ailing Loran and Amygdala bronze trophies.
How to co-op for Chalice Dungeons & use Makeshift Altar
Chalice Dungeon are underground ruins that can be entered only by using Holy Chalices. These Dungeons add a ton of additional content and special rewards…