How to Change Tribe in Biomutant
You can change your Biomutant tribe when and if you decide that your current allies don’t reflect your character’s views. It’s a neat feature, which also kinda lets you get pretty cool gear from all groups if you cheese the system. You’ll get them anyway, but this is just a sneakier method. However, there are some caveats to this, since some tribes are at war with each other. That being the case, in our How to Change Tribe in Biomutant guide, we’ll show you how to switch your tribe, leave your current tribe, etc.

How to Switch, Leave & Change Biomutant Tribe
To change your tribe in Biomutant, aka leave and switch your tribe, all you have to do is enter the fort of the tribe that you want to join. Speak to their sifu, and just follow the dialogue prompts, and you’ll be a part of the new group in no time. You can do so whenever you decide that the people you’re currently aligned with doesn’t reflect your morals properly. However, there is a potential catch here, as we’re about to explain.
Various tribes in the game are rivals. So, if you, say, join Myriad, and then want to go to Netra, you can’t do it immediately. They see you as an enemy and won’t let you into the fort to talk to their sifu. What you need to do at that point is join a third tribe that’s not a rival of either your current tribe or the one you want to ultimately side with (in this example, it could be the Ankati). Once you’re a member of that third, more neutral tribe, you can then visit the fort of the group you were actually aiming for. This time around, they’ll let you in.
So, that’s how to change your tribe in Biomutant. If there’s anything else bothering you in the game, then maybe some of our other guides might come in handy. For example, we have Perfect Reload – How It Works, Rotation Puzzle Bug Solution – Can’t Rotate Nodes, Hypoxia – Oxygen Pingdish & Suit Location for Surviving the Deadzone, and many more.