Battlefield 4

Second Assault and Naval Strike DLC for Battlefield 4 confirmed
DLC for Battlefield 4, Second Assault is coming in less than a week, also new Naval Strike DLC for BF4 was confirmed on the official site today.
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Battlefield 4 Second Assault DLC is coming out soon
Second Assault DLC for Battlefield 4, bringing maps from Battlefield 3, will be released soon, developer Dice confirmed.

Battlefield 4 Errors and how to solve them
Battlefield 4 launched with several issues, some of them have been fixed with the latest patches, but some crashes and errors still spoil the game. In the list below we covered a number of issues and if you are looking for a solution, take a look at the following conclusions.

BF4 PC Game Update released on December 3rd
According to the latest post on the official site BattleLog, the Battlefield 4 PC game update is released. PS4 will also get a game update on Dec 3, while X360, PS3, and Xbox One updates will be ready at the end of this week.

Battlefield 4 Dog Tag Locations
Dog Tags are a unique type of collectible in Battlefield 4 that are used for completing the Recon achievement and equipping your soldier in multiplayer. During the BF4 single player campaign there are many you can collect in each level and we have a screenshot guide with detailed walkthrough on how to obtain all of them.