Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure Map and Premium Trials Update are Live
Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure update is now live, featuring a new map, premium trials. and more. If you own the They Shall Not Pass expansion pack and Premium Pass, you can download it now. Non-premium Pass owners can access the content via friends who have it, or through Premium trials.

Prise de Tahure Map Update Notes
Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure map and Base Game Update rolled out on PC, PS4 and Xbox One servers earlier today. You can check all the update notes, including all the fixes, on the official page.
Premium Trials
Here’s how the developers describe Premium Trials:
Premium Trials are timed events that allow non-Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners to experience the maps of our fully released expansion packs before they buy. Sounds similar to Premium Friends, right? It’s the same feature, but without the need to party up with a Premium Pass owner. Earning XP, spawning in vehicles released in the expansion, and progression/unlocks will be restricted to Premium Pass owners.
Below, you can check out the content from the latest update.
Maps & Modes
- Soissons: Adjusted Flag D capture area in Frontlines to improve map balance.
- Nivelle Nights: Fixed a bug where the Out of Bounds grayscale screen-effect would sometimes fail to enable.
- Nivelle Nights: Fixed an issue where field kits in sector five in a Rush game could be used before the sector was active.
- Fort de Vaux: Players should no longer be able to get on top of the fort around the courtyard area.
- Added new setting to allow for limited number of specific kits.
- Added setting for round time limit multiplier.
- Added setting for Unlimited Magazines.
- Countdown stops if players drop: Lowered the required player count for countdown to start game round to the minimum number of players required to finish a game if preround is enabled. The player count is unchanged if preround is disabled.
- Implemented a latency soft lock option where players with a ping higher than 100ms higher get kicked automatically.
- The networking issues icons will not show up in Spectator Mode anymore.