Battlefield 1 Premium Pass Giveaway after Battlefield V Open Beta
EA and DICE have announced that they’ll be giving away the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass after the Battlefield V open beta wraps up. This giveaway will last from September 11th till September 18th. Quite a way to “capstone all the giveaways and rewards from the Road to Battlefield V,” as the announcement puts it.

The Battlefield V launch has been moved a whole month back. Probably a prudent decision, considering that October is going to be really, really busy. I mean, we’re looking down the barrel of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption 2. Of course, Battlefield fans are probably somewhat down because of this, but hey, there’s always the open beta coming soon. And, more importantly, there’s more time to play Battlefield 1. And, according to EA themselves, they’re going to give you even more of a reason to keep playing Battlefield 1 after the Battlefield V open beta wraps up.
First off, some details on the Battlefield V open beta. The beta is coming out on September 6th, and it will last until September 11th. However, if you preorder the game, you’ll get access to the beta two days earlier, on September 4th. You’ll have the chance to “experience the multi-mode mayhem of Grand Operations along with classic Conquest on the Narvik map,” as well as “the urban Conquest fights of the Rotterdam map.” Should be enough to give you a pretty good idea about the game. I mean, it’s Battlefield, how different can it be?
On top of that, though, after the open beta wraps up, EA is beginning with the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass giveaway. From September 11th to September 18th, you’ll be able to pick up the premium pass, with everything that comes with it, for free. This includes “16 multiplayer maps, new Operations and game modes, powerful Elite classes, and more.” That’s a pretty good way to say goodbye to the previous Battlefield, as you look forward to the next one.