Hardcore Servers are Live in Battlefield 1
Hardcore servers for Battlefield 1 are live. Visit your server browser and search for your preferred game mode and maps in hardcore mode.
Hardcore servers went live on Wednesday, November 16th – 12:00 UTC / 04:00 AM PT for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4 users.
Hardcore servers are much different than the standard ones. In general, they are a bit harder to play and they require a certain level of skill to play efficiently.
Hardcore mode is both very fun and challenging to play, making the game feel a bit more realistic than before.Make sure you check out our other guides and news about Battlefield 1.
Let us know in the comment section, what are your impressions about Hardcore mode in Battlefield 1 and do you enjoy playing it?

Hardcore mode features
- No elite classes
- No minimap spotting
- Name tags are disabled
- HUD is disabled
- 3D spotting is disabled
- Friendly fire is on
- Kill Cam is disabled
- Health does not regenerate
- Third person vehicle camera is disabled
- Bullets do much higher damage
Hardcore mode is both very fun and challenging to play, making the game feel a bit more realistic than before.Make sure you check out our other guides and news about Battlefield 1.
Let us know in the comment section, what are your impressions about Hardcore mode in Battlefield 1 and do you enjoy playing it?