Battlefield 1 Holiday Event
Battlefield 1 Holiday event is live. It features different stages, and we have a chance to try out the new game mode as well as to earn some free stuff. We are continuously getting different kinds of events and new game modes for Battlefield 1, which is definitely great news, keeping the game interesting and even more fun to play.

Here is the full list of event activities :
- On December 21st, we can try out the new game mode called Blind Delivery. It is basically War Pigeons mode, but the minimap is turned off and only handguns and explosives are allowed in your loadout. Sounds very interesting and challenging, especially if you try to knock the pigeon out of the sky with your sidearm. Check your server browser and definitely try out this game mode for yourself, you will most certainly have fun while playing.
- On December 22nd, The Holiday Truce Dog Tag will be awarded to all players. All you need to do is login to Battlefield 1 after this date and this iconic Dog Tag will be yours. The Dog Tag represents two enemies shaking hands on the battlefield. Also, vehicle skins will be implemented in the game. In the new battlepack revision, we have a chance to get two Heavy Tank skins: the Distinguished “SchnucK” or the Legendary “Desert Gold”.
- From December 23rd to December 29th, all players that log into Battlefield 1 during this period will receive a free battlepack. Keep in mind that it’s only one per account.
- Also from December 23rd to December 29th, all Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners that log in will receive two Superior battlepacks.
Let us know in the comment section: Do you like the new Blind Delivery game mode? What do you think about the vehicle skins system in the game?Happy holidays, and see you all in Battlefield 1!