Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass Giveaway after Battlefield V Open Beta
EA and DICE have announced that they’ll be giving away the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass after the Battlefield V open beta wraps up. This giveaway will last from September 11th till September 18th. Quite a way to “capstone all the giveaways and rewards from the Road to Battlefield V,” as the announcement puts it. Battlefield…
LATEST Battlefield 1 GUIDES & NEWS

Battlefield 1 Getting Meat Cleaver in Apocalypse DLC
Battlefield 1 will be getting another piece of DLC this February, titled Apocalypse. It’s going to be set in the closing days of World War…

Battlefield 1 In The Name of the Tsar DLC Launch Date Announced
The upcoming Battlefield 1 DLC, called In the Name of the Tsar, finally has a release date. The developers have announced that the new content…

Battlefield 1 Getting Specializations, First Tests to Happen on PC CTE
Battlefield 1 launched almost ten months ago. After all of that time, we’re finally getting the first serious mentions of specializations/perks; a staple of the…

Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure Map and Premium Trials Update are Live
Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure update is now live, featuring a new map, premium trials. and more. If you own the They Shall Not Pass…
Battlefield 1 ARCHIVE
Battlefield 1 Gets First Night-time Map, Lots of Fixes
The Nivelle Nights update for Battlefield 1 is now live. It brings the first night map to the game, in which the French and the…
Battlefield 1 In The Name of The Tsar DLC Adds Female Soldier Class
The In the Name of the Tsar is the upcoming Battlefield 1 DLC. It will add the Eastern Front to the game, including new maps,…
Battlefield 1 gets the In the Name of the Tsar DLC
It was Napoleon who first made the mistake of invading Russia. As everyone else, he was defeated by tenacity and the Russian winter. Pretty much…
Battlefield 1: In the Name of the Tsar is looming on the horizon
The good ship Battlefield 1 has been on a steady course for a while now. The developer DICE has been running a tight ship and…
Countdown starts for “They Shall Not Pass” Battlefield 1 DLC, no Gandalf confirmed as of yet
March 14, 2017 will see the release of the first DLC for Battlefield 1. EA Dice went a little close to comfort by dubbing it…
Battlefield 1 Expansion Packs Revealed
EA and DICE have revealed that Battlefield 1 is going to get three more DLC packs. They haven’t talked about release dates yet, but they’ve…
Battlefield 1 Winter Update
Dice announced a new winter update for Battlefield 1. The list of changes is very big, and it consists of both minor and major fixes…
They shall not pass DLC details – Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1 released all the details about the upcoming DLC called They Shall Not Pass. We will be able to play as the French, on…
Anti-Cheat System Banning Legit Players in Battlefield 1
There are several reports of Battlefield 1 players getting banned unfairly, without using any of the cheating software in the game. Anti-cheating in Battlefield 1…
There Won’t Be Any Battlefield Games in 2017
Unfortunately, there won’t be any new Battlefield games in 2017. Upon release, Battlefield 1 has been a huge success, and it still has multiple expansion…
Battlefield 1 – Holiday Event
Battlefield 1 Holiday event is live. It features different stages, and we have a chance to try out the new game mode as well as…
Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass DLC News
Dice has released new concept art from the They shall not pass DLC for Battlefield 1. They’ve posted multiple concept pictures along with some details…
Giants Shadow releases today for non premium players in Battlefield 1
A new map, called Giant’s Shadow, will be released today for non-premium players. Giant’s Shadow has already been available in early access for about a…
Eye to Eye – New game mode in Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1 has gotten a new game mode called Eye to Eye. It’s a fast-paced, close-quarters-oriented game mode set on the Amiens map. Using shotguns…
French Army DLC News – Battlefield 1
The official Battlefield 1 Twitter page posted some interesting clues about the upcoming DLC. The message is in French, saying: “Soyez prêts,” which means “Be…
Battlefield 1 Upcoming patch – Giant’s Shadow Map
New Battlefield 1 update will be released on Tuesday, December 13th across all platforms. We can expect various fixes and improvements, as well as a…
Future Battlefield 1 Update Will Fix PlayStation 4 Pro Version
Battlefield 1 for the PlayStation 4 Pro has been having some issues since update 1.04. The update caused problems with texture quality on the PS…
Battlefest is live – Battlefield 1
Battlefest has officially begun for all the fans of Battlefield 1. All the players can participate in different events and community missions. Rewards are different…
Battlefield 1 Rental Server Issues
DICE and EA are offering the possibility of Renting A Server in Battlefield 1. As the name says, it gives players the opportunity to play…
Hardcore Servers are Live in Battlefield 1
Hardcore servers for Battlefield 1 are live. Visit your server browser and search for your preferred game mode and maps in hardcore mode. Hardcore servers…