BG3 Wizard Best Feats
The Wizard is a classic staple of most RPGs. While they usually start out fairly weak, this magic-using class can quickly become the most powerful member of the party. Of course, this is very dependent on you picking the right spells, getting appropriate gear, and – choosing the right feats. While every class has a number of good feats that they can (and should) select, the Wizard is especially reliant on feats for their optimal builds. If you were wondering which Wizard feats are the best ones in BG3, we have the full list of all the most optimal Wizard feats, as well as how they work, right here.

Best Feats for Wizard at Level 4
Since at this point, your Wizard is still coming into their own and doesn’t yet have access to all the big spells they’ll have later on, it’s best to invest into increasing your primary stat – Intelligence. You can do this by selecting the Ability Improvement feat, and then putting both points into INT. As Wizards use INT for spellcasting and overcoming enemies’ Saving Throws and other resistances, this will go a long way towards making your Wizard a lot more powerful. Elemental Adept is another great choice here. It allows you to ignore the enemy’s damage resistance of a certain type that you choose. Additionally, you can no longer roll a critical fail (that is – rolling a 1) when casting spells. Extremely useful. All of these are excellent choices, but we would still urge you to go with Ability Improvement here for your first Feat and pump everything into INT.
Best Feats for Wizard at Level 8
Next – Spell Sniper. This feat lets you learn an extra cantrip, but much more importantly – you can now more easily cause a Critical Hit with your spells. If you are constantly getting killed or knocked out in combat, then you may try increasing your HP with Tough. And with Ritual Caster, you immediately learn two Ritual Spells. These provide long-term bonuses, such as Speaking With the Dead, jumping further, and so on. Finally, Lucky. This feat will give you three Luck Points. They regenerate after a rest, and you can use these LP to gain an Advantage against enemies.
These can all work really well, but for sheer arcane power, we’d go either with Spell Sniper, or with Elemental Adept. Spell Sniper allows for more offensive capabilities and greater damage, while Elemental Adept makes it harder to fail your spellcasting. So pick whichever one you think would work best for your playtyle and spell selection.
Best Feats for Wizard at Level 12
For the last Wizard Feat in BG3, we’d once again go with Ability Improvement. Put one point into INT so that you have 20 Intelligence, and as for the other point, we’d recommend increasing your Wizard’s Dexterity. Though, you can also select Elemental Adept or Spell Sniper instead of Ability Improvement. Basically, whichever of these two feats that you didn’t pick at Level 8.