Archives for author: Vladimir Sumina

Hogwarts Legacy Black Family Motto Answer
Sirius Black is one of the most interesting characters in Harry Potter. The godfather to Harry Potter himself, Sirius was initially thought to be a…

MW2 Hardcore Tier 1 Explained
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has many different game modes. These range from basic deathmatches, to more complex modes such as Prisoner Rescue. However,…

Best Super Magic Archer Challenge Deck Clash Royale
The Super Magic Archer challenge is currently underway in Clash Royale. This challenge changes the way that the Magic Archer works in the game, changing…

Safari Cat Value Pet Simulator X
The Safari Cat is a new pet that has been added to Pet Sim X a couple of days ago. This pet shares the basic…

Love Lion Value Pet Simulator X
Some new pets have recently been added to Pet Sim X. One of these is the Love Lion pet. As its name suggests, this pet…

Hogwarts Legacy Beast Offspring Growth & Use
In Hogwarts Legacy, you are going to unlock the Vivarium as part of the main quest. This is a special section of the Room of…

How to Use Broom Hogwarts Legacy
There are several tools of the trade that every Witch and Wizard must have in order to be considered a real magic user. The Wand…

Hogwarts Legacy Absconder Encounter, Give Heirloom or Ask Reward
The Acromantula is one of the scariest magical beasts that exist in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. They can grow to be very big,…

Hogwarts Legacy Ackley Barnes Choice, Give Plant or Ask for Money
At the end of the Venemous Revenge side quest in Hogwarts Legacy, you will be given a choice of whether to give the plant without…

Which Potion is Liquid Luck Hogwarts Legacy
Potion brewing is one of the key skills that all Wizards and Witches need to master. This carries over to Hogwarts Legacy, where using the…

Hogwarts Legacy Crucio Quest Choice
Out of the many, many spells that exist in the world of Harry Potter, only three of them are considered to be forbidden. These are…

Hogwarts Legacy Follow The Butterflies, Clementine Choices
Follow the Butterflies is a side-quest in Hogwarts Legacy in which you will be tasked to, well, follow and find the butterflies in the Forbidden…

Hogwarts Legacy in the Shadow of the Study, Unlock Sebastian Sallow Crucio Quest
In the entire setting of Harry Potter, there are only three spells that are off-limits to good and law-abiding Witches and Wizards. These are known…

Hogwarts Legacy Remove Items in Room of Requirement
The Room of Requirement is one of the most mysterious, but also important, places in all of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A…

Hogwarts Legacy Wingardium Leviosa vs Levioso
There are many iconic spells in the Harry Potter universe. Expelliarmus, Alohomora, Confundo, Lumos, and Expecto Patronum, just to name a few. The Levioso and…

Use Rowland’s Map to Follow His Trail Hogwarts Legacy
During “The Tale of Rowland Oakes” quest, you are going to be tasked with finding out what happened to Rowland Oakes, the uncle of your…

How to Sell Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy
Magical beasts are an integral part of Harry Potter lore, and it’s no wonder that they also play a prominent role in Hogwarts Legacy as…

Best Spell Combos Hogwarts Legacy
There are dozens of prominent spells in the Harry Potter setting, and many of these have made their way to Hogwarts Legacy. While every spell…

Hogwarts Legacy Cressida Blume Choice, Ask Reward or Not
In Hogwarts Legacy, you will often need to make dialogue choices that determine your actions. Sometimes, the differences can mean just getting a few different…

Hogwarts Legacy Petrificus Totalus, How to Cast Stealth Kill
Most of the offensive spells in Harry Potter (and, by extension – in Hogwarts Legacy) are used to incapacitate the opponent. Usually, this means disarming…