Archives for author: Vladimir Sumina

Party Animals Twitch Drops Rewards
Party Animals is a party game that you and your friends are sure to have loads of fun with. And, like many games that have…

Party Animals Gordon Nemo Half Life Skin
Party Animals is a new party game that promises to be a worthy successor to Fall Guys. In it, you play as one of several…

Payday 3 Rock the Cradle, Can’t Show Invitation to Bouncer Bug
There are many missions for players to undertake in Payday 3. One such mission is Rock the Cradle. During this mission, one of the objectives…

Dragonheir Silent Gods Tier List 2023
Dragonheir: Silent Gods is an exciting new open-world fantasy RPG. In it, you will have access to several dozen characters that you can use to…

MK1 Another Test Subject Klue Explained
There are many Klues in MK1’s Invasion Mode. These function as small riddles that the player has to solve. Which is easier said than done,…

Mortal Kombat 1 Dedaerht Klue Explained
The Invasion Mode is a new addition to Mortal Kombat 1. In this interesting combination of board game and RPG, you will progress through different…

MK1 Toasty Invasion Klue
The Invasion Mode in Mortal Kombat 1 is full of Klues (which would have been spelled clues in any other game). Think of them as…

Adopt Me Blazing Lion Worth
There is a good reason why Adopt Me is one of the most popular Roblox games of all time. The fact that it is constantly…

MK1 Nether Stone in Invasion Mode
Invasion Mode is a very fun and engaging way to play Mortal Kombat 1. In this cross between an RPG and a board game, you…

MK1 Flipping Out Invasion Klue Explained
Invasion Mode is a very interesting gameplay mode in Mortal Kombat 1. Combining RPG and board game elements, it’s a new way to experience the…

Best Mirror Mirror Deck Clash Royale
The Mirror, Mirror Event Challenge is live in Clash Royale. Like most events of this type, strategy is key here. You need to have a…

MK1 Tier List Best Characters
The Mortal Kombat series has always been distinguished by its vast array of playable characters. Naturally, Mortal Kombat 1 continues this proud tradition. With more…

Lies of P Can’t Buy Deluxe Edition, You Cannot Complete Your Transaction Issue
With only a couple of more days until it is out, players are eagerly awaiting Lies of P. Naturally, many PC players have also flocked…

Lies of P Gestures Locations
Gestures are the Lies of P’s version of emotes. There are 17 of these scattered around the gameworld, and you are going to need these…

Lies of P All Outfits Locations
Lies of P features a wide selection of different outfits that you can find and equip. Though you need to be aware that, unlike in…

How to Respec in Lies of P
The ability to respect your character is very important in any game with a high difficulty, but this is especially true for soulslike titles that…

Lies of P Best Weapon Combinations
Every weapon in Lies of P consists of two parts – the handle and the blade. As you pick up weaons in the game, you…

Lies of P Best Starting Weapon
As it is a Soulslike game, weapons play a really important role in Lies of P. Because of that, it vital that you choose the…

Starfield Ron Hope Choice
Starfield allows you to join, and advance in, several different factions. One of these is the Freestar Collective. The final mission in this faction’s questchain…

AFK Arena Grim Expanse Best Team Comps
The Grim Expanse is the latest event that has been added to AFK Arena with its v1.124 Patch update. To be able to play this…