Archives for author: Vladimir Sumina

Evolve Hisuian Growlithe Into Hisuian Arcanine Pokemon Legends Arceus
The Growlithe is a long-established (being introduced way back in Generation I) Fire-type Pokemon. In most Pokemon games, it evolves into Arcanine. However, since Pokemon…

Get Black Augurite Pokemon Legends Arceus
While many Pokemon can evolve in a pretty straightforward fashion – simply be leveling up, for example, some of them have very complicated evolution requirements….

Evolve Scyther to Kleavor Pokemon Legends Arceus
Being one of the oldest Pokemon around (introduced all the way back in Generation I), it’s no wonder that Scyther is also in Pokemon Legends:…

Hearty Grains Pokemon Legends Arceus
Pokemon video games typically feature a lot of content. Not just Pokemon that you can capture (though they undoubtedly feature plenty of these as well),…

Trainer Card Picture Change in Pokemon Legends Arceus
In many ways, Pokemon Legends: Arceus is a big step forward in the evolution of Pokemon video games. It blends elements of Zelda: Breath of…

Get Merit Points Pokemon Legends Arceus
Pokemon Legends: Arceus does things a bit differently than most other Pokemon games. One of these changes has to do with the introduction of a…

Get Dialga and Palkia Origin Form Pokemon Legends Arceus
Dialga and Palkia are two Legendary Pokemon from (what will become) the Sinnoh region. Being very powerful, they are also very well known and prized…

How to Catch Arceus in Pokemon Legends
If the title alone wasn’t enough of a clue, it’s safe to say that Arceus is going to be a very important part of the…

Togepi Location Pokemon Legends Arceus
A Pokemon game wouldn’t really be a full-fledged Pokemon title without all the different Pokemon you could encounter, battle, and catch during the course of…

Heracross Alpha Location Pokemon Legends Arceus
One of the most obvious reasons why Pokemon has remained so popular and enduring as a franchise is the fact that there are so many…

Get Shiny Ponyta Pokemon Legends Arceus
Ponyta is one of the oldest Pokemon in the entire franchise, having first appeared all the way back in Generation I. A Fire-type Pokemon, Ponyta…

Wisp Locations Pokemon Legends Arceus
Requests are a type of side-quest in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Unlike Main Story Missions, these are optional. Of course, they also give you great rewards,…

Get Linking Cord Pokemon Legends Arceus
One of the many reasons why Pokemon games are so popular is the sheer amount of different things that you can do in them. These…

Get Trade Evolutions Without Trading Pokemon Legends Arceus
Trading has always been one of the most important mechanics in practically every Pokemon video game to date. This is because trading is the only…

Find Pokemon With Three Leaves Pokemon Legends Arceus Search For Bitter Leaves
Out of the many Requests that you will get in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, several stand out as being very tricky to complete, for various reasons….

Get Money Fast Pokemon Legends Arceus
Most games have some sort of currency. This allows players to spend this virtual money on things such as items, weapons, special abilities, and other…

Increase Satchel Size Pokemon Legends Arceus Inventory
Inventory management is an important gameplay element of many games. Some players love doing this, some hate it with a passion, but there’s no denying…

Cherubi Location Pokemon Legends Arceus
A Pokemon game wouldn’t really be an authentic Pokemon experience if it didn’t have scores of Pokemon you could meet, battle, and catch in it….

How to Trade Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus
There are several gameplay systems that are included in almost every Pokemon game. Catching Pokemon and using them to battle other Pokemon, is, of course,…

How to Change to First Person View in Pokemon Legends Arceus
Pokemon Legends: Arceus is different from most Pokemon games in a lot of ways. But the biggest change from the traditional top-down view of the…