Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Dark Souls 3 New Update Patch Notes and Release Times
Dark Souls 3 is getting a new patch very soon, on February 8. The focus of the patch is mainly fixing PvP battles and making…

Gwent Closed Beta Status Update and End Rewards
The Gwent Closed Beta is slowly coming to a close. Developers at Team GWENT are slowly preparing for the transition into Open Beta. Since they’re…

The Last Guardian Gets Permanent Price Cut
The Last Guardian, the latest game from Team Ico, got a permanent price cut. The new price is $39.99. If you’re on the fence about…

Nintendo Switch Online Service Annual Subscritpion Price Announced
Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima revealed the price of the Switch yearly subscription in a recent interview. The annual service will cost between 2000 and 3000…

New Steam UI Possibly Uncovered by Dataminers
Dataminers over at Steam DB managed to uncover new assets added to the client with the new beta update. Said assets are connected to something…

Final Fantasy XV Next Active Time Report Live Stream Details
The next Active Time Report for Final Fantasy XV is scheduled to begin on February 2nd 2017. The event was announced by Square Enix. During…

Nioh Samurai Boss Fights,Guardian Spirits, Endgame Bonuses Revealed
Yosuke Hayashi, co-director of Nioh, recently held a short Q&A on the European PlayStation forum. He revealed some new details about endgame bonuses, guardian spirits…

Witcher 3 Developer Forums Hacked, 1.9 Million Accounts Compromised
The forums of Polish developer CD Projekt Red have been hacked in March 2016, and the information of more than 1.8 million has been stolen….

For Honor Open Beta Dates & Twitch Event Confirmed
Ubisoft has officially confirmed the dates of the For Honor open beta. Players will be able to try out the online multiplayer hack-and-slash from February…

For Honor Open Beta Leaked Dates, Starts in February
Ubisoft is planning to release a For Honor open beta before the official game is out. The closed beta wrapped up recently, with a lot…

Nightmare Tips & Tricks – Banned Footage Vol. 1 DLC
Nightmare is a story mission in the first Resident Evil DLC, called Banned Footage Vol. 1. This mode is very much like Horde mode, where…

Nintendo Switch UI Details, Wireless LAN Support, Battery Replacement
The Nintendo Switch will be hitting the shelves worldwide on March 3rd. Details about the console have been fairly few and far between ever since…

Deus Ex Series Might Be Placed On Hiatus for Foreseeable Future
Fans of the Deus Ex franchise are in for a nasty surprise. According to Eurogamer, there won’t be any new games in the series for…

Gwent Nilfgaard Faction Update Announcement & Details
Although the game is still in closed beta, Gwent is getting a constant stream of updates and fixes. Fans of Gwent: The Witcher Card Game…

Resident Evil 7 Denuvo Anti-Tamper Tech Cracked
Developers of Denuvo designed the tech around being the ultimate tool for game devs to protect their work. To give credit where it’s due, it…

Pokemon GO Update 0.55 Android & 1.25 iOS Datamine
The newest update for Pokemon GO, at least on the surface, brings fairly bog-standard improvements to the game. However, dataminers from The Silk Roads immediately…

Resident Evil 7 Banned Footage Vol. 1 DLC Comes Out Tomorrow
The first of several DLCs for Resident Evil VII – Banned Footage Vol. 1 – is coming out tomorrow, January 31st, on PlayStation 4. Xbox…

Gwent Nilfgaard Patch Overview Stream Announced
The coming of Gwent’s fifth faction, Niflgaard, was announced several days ago. They’ll be arriving in a patch very soon. Meanwhile, we’ll be able to…

For Honor PC System Requirements Revealed by Ubisoft
Ubisoft finally revealed the PC specs and system requirements for its online hack-and-slasher For Honor. Players can now finally gauge whether their setup can handle…

For Honor Closed Beta Starts January 26th, Keys Sent
The closed beta for Ubisoft’s For Honor starts on January 26th, and lasts until January 30th. They announced the beta weeks ago, and now we…