Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Pokemon GO Pokemon Storage Upgrades 50 Percent Cheaper
Niantic are preparing to roll out probably the biggest update to Pokemon GO yet. With over 80 new Pokemon coming our way, plus new evolutions,…

PlayStation Now Support for PS3, Vita & PSTV Ending Soon
Sony has decided to discontinue PlayStation Now for the Vita, PSTV, PS3 and Bravia TV. Instead, they’ll be focusing on supporting the service on the…

Watch Dogs 2 Ending Cutscene Update Teases London Location
The latest update to Watch Dogs 2 was pretty hefty, and for good reason. No, we’re not talking about the new emotes, dances, areas and…

Nioh Update 1.03 Patch Notes, Bug Fixes & Balance Changes
Team Ninja recently released Update 1.03 for Nioh. The patch brings forward some balance changes & bug fixes in order to remedy some of the…

Pokemon GO Gen 2 Pokemon, New Evolutions, Items, Encounters & More
Trainers worldwide have a lot to be excited about. Ninatic just announced huge update to Pokemon GO, that will include 80 new Pokemon, gender-specific Pokemon,… Valentine’s Day Sale Discounts & Highlights
If you’re looking to score some great game deals, look no further. You can head straight to and check out their Valentine’s Day sale….

Pokemon GO Trading and PvP Battles Coming Soon
Player battles and trading Pokemon have been staples of the game pretty much since its inception. Pokemon GO trainers have been wondering when they’ll get…

Sniper Elite 4 Errors & Problems
Sniper Elite 4, like most games, has its share of issues and problems. A lot of players have been experiencing crashes, installation errors, freezing, and…

Resident Evil 7 Banned Footage Vol 2 DLC Details
The second Banned Footage DLC for Resident Evil 7, simply called Volume 2, is coming out today, on February 14th. The DLC includes 2 new…

Injustice 2 Swamp Thing Gameplay Trailer Character Reveal
A new gameplay trailer for Injustice 2 shows of the new character, Swamp Thing. He has a wide selection of brutal strikes and special moves,…

Valve to Replace Steam Greenlight with Steam Direct in Spring 2017
Ever since it took of back in 2012, Steam Greenlight has been pretty divisive. For every great game it gave us, about a thousand horrible…

Nier Automata Glory to Mankind Trailer Revealed
There’s a new Nier: Automata trailer, called Glory To Mankind. It showcases some enemies and bosses, but we also learn more about the androids. We…

Sniper Elite 4 Uses Denuvo, Official PC Requirements Announced
Developer and publisher Rebellion have announced that Sniper Elite 4 will use Denuvo anti-tamper tech. They’ve also revealed official PC requirements for the game. The…

Resident Evil 7 Shipped 3 Million Copies Worldwide
According to Capcom, its latest horror game Resident Evil 7 has shipped 3 million copies worldwide. The newest installment in the RE franchise move 2.5…

Destiny Sequel Announced on Track for Fall 2017 Release
According to Activison, we can expect a Destiny sequel in fall 2017. The announcement came in Activision’s financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016….

Nioh Patch 1.02 Fixes Freezing Glitch and Season Pass Bug
Nioh got its first post-launch update. So far, the game hasn’t been much of a headache, but it does have its problems. Patch 1.02 for…

Nioh Co-Op Changes in Full Release – Developers Explain
Co-op in Nioh works like this: you can only summon players who have already beaten the level you’re playing. This is vastly different from how…

Pokemon GO Valentine’s Day Event Details & Bonuses
Niantic have finally announced their Pokemon GO Valentine’s Day event. During the celebration, trainers can earn twice the normal amount of Candy, certain Pokemon will…

Ressurector of the Hiragumo Trophy – Teakettle Fragment Locations
Ressurector of the Hiragumo is a trophy you can get in Nioh. You get it by collecting all six Hiragumo Teakettle Fragments. In this guide,…

Final Fantasy XV – No Plans for Nintendo Switch Port
Unfortunately for Nintendo fans, it seems they won’t be seeing Final Fantasy XV on the Nintendo Switch. According to director Hajime Tabata, there are no…