Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Injustice 2 Introducing Darkseid Gameplay Trailer Released
The latest character introduction gameplay trailer for Injustice 2 is up, and we finally get to see Darkseid in action. As it currently stands, Darkseid…

Prey Post-Launch DLC Confirmed by Developers
The upcoming action-adventure sci-fi horror by Arkane Studios, Prey, is just a week away. Creative director Raphael Colantonio confirmed in a recent interview that post-launch…

Nintendo Switch Surpasses Estimates with 2.74 Million Shipped Units
Nintendo has revealed their earnings report for the last fiscal year, which ended on March 21st. According to the report, the Switch has shipped over…

Street Fighter 5 Stage Pulled Due to “Unintentional Religious References”
Capcom recently removed the Street Fighter 5 Thailand Temple Hideout stage from the store because of, as they put it, “unintentional religious references”. The stage…

Persona 5 Streaming Policy Changed, Still Has Some Limitations
Atlus, the publisher of Persona 5, has amended their controversial, restrictive streaming policy. The blog spot even includes an apology to everybody who “saw the…

Prey Keycards Locations – Where to Find
Keycards are often necessary for unlocking doors in Prey. You’ll use them on all manners of doors that are electronically locked, as you’d expect. Without…

PlayStation Plus Free Games in May 2017 Revealed
The PS Plus free game roster for May 2017 has been revealed by Sony, and this time around, there are some bigger names. For the…

Little Nightmares Launch Trailer Released by Bandai Namco
The launch of the upcoming puzzle-platformer by Tarsier Studios, Little Nightmares, is just around the corner. Publisher Bandai Namco released a launch trailer for the…

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Release Date Revealed, Eight New Characters
The sixth installment in the main series, Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite, got a release date. It’s scheduled to launch on Tuesday, September 19th. Capcom also…

What Remains of Edith Finch Released Today, Launch Trailer is Live
The new first-person adventure game from developer Giant Sparrow launched today. The launch trailer for the game serves as a short and mysterious introduction to…

Pokemon GO Login Problems Caused by Google Safety Net
Some Pokemon GO trainers have been experiencing problems with logging in. A number of players can’t access their accounts due to a security issue keeping…

Injustice 2 Achievement List Reveals Surprise Character
It appears that the achievements list for Injustice 2 has leaked. Needless to say, it contains some degree of spoilers; some being bigger than others….

Resident Evil 7 Not a Hero Free DLC Delayed to Ensure Quality
The Not a Hero free story DLC for Resident Evil 7 is getting delayed. The reason behind this, according to the developers, is because they…

Injustice 2 Introducing Brainiac Gameplay Trailer is Now Live
There’s a new Injustice 2 gameplay trailer out. This time, we get to see the newly-introduced Brainiac in action. The Collector of Worlds, as he’s…

NES Classic Coming to Best Buy, Might be Last Chance to Grab One
In what might be one of the last opportunities to get one, Best Buy will be putting a limited amount of NES Classics on sale…

For Honor Update 1.06 Full Patch Notes, Coming to PC First
Ubisoft has announced another update for For Honor. The patch will come out on April 25th for PC, and a little later to the consoles…

Ghost Recon Wildlands on Top of UK Charts for Four Weeks
Ubisoft’s open-world shooter Ghost Recon Wildlands has been sitting on the top spot of UK sales charts for four weeks, two of which are consecutive….

Prey Recycler Charge Trailer Celebrates Earth Day
Bethesda released a new trailer for their upcoming sci-fi action-adventure game, Prey. The Recycle Everything trailer celebrates Earth Day by showcasing the Recycler and Recycler…

Friday the 13th Game Coming in May to PS4, Xbox One & PC
Developers Gun Media and IllFonic released a launch date announcement trailer for their new survival horror game Friday the 13th. It’s coming on May 26th,…

Outlast 2 New Launch Trailer is Now Live
The Outlast 2 launch is only a few days away, and there’s a new trailer. The second game in the survival horror series takes you…