Archives for author: JoeTheBard

For Honor Playerbase Down By 95% on Steam Since Launch
Ubisoft’s multiplayer hack-and-slash For Honor isn’t doing too well. It’s bleeding players profusely, with the playerbase going down by 95% barely four months since launch….

Horizon Zero Dawn Reaches 3.4 Million in Digital Sales & Shipments
Horizon Zero Dawn has hit 3.4 million copies shipped and sold digitally. This makes the game Sony’s best selling new IP and the most successful…

FIFA 18 Launch Date Announced, No Journey Mode on Switch
EA Sports has announced the launch date for FIFA 18. The game also got a reveal trailer, starring Cristiano Ronaldo, who will also be on…

Diablo 3 Rise of the Necromancer Pack Rewards Revealed
Blizzard has announced the rewards for purchasing the upcoming Rise of the Necromancer pack. The extra content you’ll get if you buy the pack includes…

Destiny Won’t be Getting Any More Updates, Says Bungie
Bungie has announced that there’ll be no more updates for the first Destiny. After Age of Triumph, the game won’t be getting any more game…

Injustice 2 June Update Now Live, Full Patch Notes
NetherRealm has launched a huge update for Injustice 2. The patch brings a metric ton of various fixes and balances for stages and characters, as…

Tekken 7 Debuts in First Place on UK Sales Charts
After its release last week, Tekken 7 has been garnering a lot of attention and positive reviews. Unsurprisingly, sales for such a highly-anticipated game are…

Nintendo Switch Online Service To Remain Free Until 2018
Nintendo has announced more details about the Switch online service. It will stay free until 2018, and once they start charging, it will cost twenty…

Pokemon GO Might Get Legendary Pokemon & PvP Battles in Summer
Pokemon GO trainers could be in for a hot summer. In a recent interview, a Niantic higher-up mentioned that they’re working on several new features… New Sale Discounts Many Elder Scrolls & Fallout Games
There’s a new sale up on, and it all revolves around Bethesda’s open-world RPGs. You can get several older Elder Scrolls and Fallout games…

Rocket League Second Anniversary Update Goes Live in July
The second birthday of Rocket League is on the horizon, and Psynoix is preparing a large update to celebrate. The Second Anniversary update will launch…

Tekken 7 Losing Connection to the Opponent & Other Server Issues
Fans of fighting games are rejoicing – Tekken 7 has finally released worldwide. However, like many online competitive games, it’s experiencing its fair share of…

NBA 2K18 Pre-Order Bonuses, Legendary & Gold Editions
2K Games is continuing its sixteen-year old series with NBA 2K18, which will come out in September 2017. As you’d expect, the game will come…

Tekken 7 How to Get Eliza
Eliza is a character in Tekken 7. She’s a mid-range fighter, with both decent speed and damage. However, what’s special about her is the Blood…

Tekken 7 Season Pass Not Redeeming
Tekken 7 is finally live worldwide, to the delight of the armies of fans. However, players have been reporting issues with the Season Pass. Specifically,…

Tekken 7 Day 1 Update Patch Notes, Adds Double Elimination
The Day 1 Update for Tekken 7 is live, and it’s about 600 MB heavy, at least on the PlayStation 4. The update doesn’t add…

Middle Earth: Shadow of War Release Delayed to October 2017
Monolith has announced that they’re delaying Middle Earth: Shadow of War. The game is now slated to come out in October 2017. The reason cited…

Friday the 13th Update 1.02 Full Patch Notes
Update 1.02 for Friday the 13th is now live, after being pulled for causing achievements to disappear. The patch focuses mainly on a bunch of…

Gwent Players Getting Free Meteorite Powder After Server Trouble
After experiencing some issues with the Gwent servers, CD Projekt Red decided to make it up to the players by adding 100 Meteorite Powder to…

NBA 2K18 to Feature Kyrie Irving on Standard Edition Cover
2K Games have announced that Kyrie Irving of the Cleveland Cavaliers will be the cover athlete of NBA 2K18 Standard Edition. This will be Irving’s…