Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Telltale Games Humble Bundle Offers Walking Dead, Minecraft Story Mode
The new specialized Humble Bundle is up, and it’s all about Telltale Games. The first tier offers some less-known games, plus The Walking Dead Season…

Xbox Live New Weekly Deals include Battlefield 4 & Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
The new batch of weekly Xbox Live deals has been unveiled. The offers are kinda slim this week. Xbox One owners can grab, among other…

Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Online Multiplayer Beta Starting Soon
Pretty soon, fans of soccer (or football, if you prefer) games will have the chance to give Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 a spin. The online…

Superhot Launch Date on PlayStation 4 Revealed, Includes VR Expansion
Superhot is finally making its way to the PlayStation 4. The stylish first-person action game made its debut in early 2016, and came out on…

StarCraft 2 War Chests Offer Skins, Decals & Other Cosmetic Items
Blizzard has announced a new addition to StarCraft II: War Chests. In them, players can get many cosmetic items, including skins, decals, sprays and emoticons….

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Single Player Story Trailer Released
The new story trailer for Star Wars Battlefront 2 reveals more details about the main characters and the events of the single player campaign. In…

Atari Gives a First Look at Their New Console, Ataribox
The first images of Atari’s new project, Ataribox, have been revealed. The design evokes the ancient age of gaming, with wooden elements, a ribbed design,…

Destiny 2 Beta Strike & Crucible Require PS Plus & Xbox Live Gold
PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold are required to play Destiny 2 Open Beta Strike and Crucible, Bungie announced on their Twitter. The Homecoming story…

Horizon Zero Dawn Update 1.31 Released, Full Patch Notes
There’s a new update live for Horizon Zero Dawn. It released together with the full patch notes, which are pretty lengthy. The main purpose of…

Final Fantasy XII PS4 Remaster Debuts in First Place on UK Sales Chart
The PlayStation 4 remaster of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age has debuted in the top spot of UK sales charts for last week. It…

Kingdom Hearts 3 Toy Story Trailer Confirms Launch in 2018
Kingdom Hearts 3 got a new trailer at Disney’s D23 2017. As the name Toy Story trailer suggests, this will be the first foray into…

Street Fighter 5 Next DLC Character Will be Abigail from Final Fight
The next DLC character for Street Fighter V has been announced. Those that own the Season 2 Character Pass are getting Abigail, from Capcom’s classic…

Tekken 7 New DLC Character is Geese Howard from Fatal Fury
Tekken 7 will be getting its next DLC fighter in the winter of 2017. Namco Bandai revealed that the character in question is Geese Howard…

Rocket League Update 1.36 Released, Full Patch Notes
Psyonix have released a new update for Rocket League, along with the patch notes. The update is all bug fixes, with a couple of minor…

Star Wars Battlefront Double XP Weekend July 13-16
EA is giving Star Wars Battlefront players a special weekend. From July 13th to Sunday, July 16th, you’ll be able to earn double XP in…

Overwatch New PTR Update Introduces Changes to Several Heroes
There’s a new Overwatch PTR update live. It introduces several tweaks and balance improvements to select characters. The heroes affected by the changes are Doomfist,…

Mass Effect Andromeda Free Trial Available on PS4, Xbox One & PC
The free trial of Mass Effect Andromeda is now live on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It allows you to play the game for…

Destiny 2 Beta Known Issues Revealed by Bungie
The Destiny 2 Beta is just around the corner. Pre-loads have begun, and Guardians are waiting at the ready for the festivities to commence. However,…

Pokemon GO Anniversary Live Events – Chicago Fest & Safari Zones
Niantic have released more details about the upcoming Pokemon GO Anniversary live events, which will mark the game’s first birthday. The biggest event will be…

The Surge Free Demo Next Week on PC, PS4 & Xbox One
Players wanting to give The Surge a spin will be getting a chance to do so soon. The free demo of the game will be…