Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Monster Hunter World How to Mount Monsters
Mounting monsters in Monster Hunter World can be an important trick to master. Jumping onto a Monster allows you to get in some pretty good…

Monster Hunter World How to Play Offline / Single Player
Monster Hunter World allows you to play offline, and without other players. Some of you might prefer this to playing Monster Hunter World in online…

Monster Hunter World How to Play Co-Op Multiplayer Online
Co-op online multiplayer in Monster Hunter World is a fun and useful way to play the game. In Monster Hunter World, playing with other people…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Getting Reworked Progression System
The much-maligned progression system in Star Wars Battlefront 2 will be getting a heavy revamp, according to EA and DICE. They haven’t shared any further…

Ghost Recon Wildlands Introducing Spec Ops & Ghost War Crates
Loot crates are coming to Ghost Recon Wildlands. Their particular brand is called Battle Crates. They come in two flavors: Ghost War Crates and Spec…

Anthem Release Date Might Get Delayed, According to Report
According to a new report, it seems likely that Anthem might not be coming out in 2018, after all. Rather, it might instead come out…

Pokemon GO Gets 23 New Gen Three Pokemon from Hoenn Region
Niantic has announced the arrival of twenty-three new Hoenn Region Pokemon. They’re already popping up in the game, in fact. The new Pokemon include Whismur,…

God of War Collector’s, Stone Mason, Digital Deluxe & Preorder Bonuses
God of War is getting its fair share of preorder bonuses, as well as several different special editions. The preorder bonuses aren’t too egregious, I…

God of War 2018 Release Date Revealed, New Story Trailer
The new God of War will be coming out a little later than a lot of people have expected. Leaked dates across several stores seemed…

Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake First Impressions
When I was told that we’d be getting a copy of the Shadow of the Colossus remake, I had a very difficult time stopping myself…

Pokemon GO Community Day Event Announced for February
Community Day is a new event that Niantic is planning for Pokemon GO. It’s set to take place in late February, over the course of…

Dead by Daylight Saw Chapter DLC Gets Reveal Trailer
Dead By Daylight is honoring yet another classic horror franchise. After Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Nightmare on Elm’s Street, it’s time for the Saw…

Gwent New Faction Challenge Now Live: Monsters vs Nilfgaard
Team Gwent has launched the new faction challenge. This time around, Monsters and Nilfgaard will be fighting it out. The rules of the challenge remain…

They Are Billions Units List, Stats, Abilities & How to Use Them
They Are Billions offer six different units to help you fight the undead. These are Ranger, Soldier, Sniper, Lucifer, Thanatos, and Titan. Every one of…

They Are Billions Thanatos Unit – How to Get & Use
Thanatos in They Are Billions is one of the units that you can research and train. They have rocket launchers and deal AOE damage. You…

PlayStation Launching Series of Amiibo-Like Character Figurines
PlayStation fans and gamers that like collectables will likely be delighted to know that Sony is coming up with their own series of figurines, produced…

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Mobile Game Teaser Trailer Revealed
A new mobile game revolving around the Harry Potter universe. Called Hogwarts Mystery, it’s coming out this year, and it will take place before Harry…

God of War Atreus Theory – Who is the Son of Kratos?
Much has been theorized about the new character in the upcoming God of War game, Atreus. What we know about him is fairly obtuse: he’s…

Endless Space 2 Vaulters Expansion Announced, Free Add-On Available
Sega has announced the first new expansion DLC for Endless Space 2. It’s called The Vaulters, and it’ll introduce them as a whole new playable…

Nintendo Reveals First Look at Labo Kits for the Switch
Nintendo has unveiled their newest innovation for players to interact with their Switch consoles: the Nintendo Labo. There are two kits, which include both games…