Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Kingdom Hearts 3 Will Be Playable at E3 2018
Square Enix has announced that Kingdom Hearts 3 will be playable at E3 2018. It will probably be some kind of demo, of course, but…

Kingdom Come Deliverance DLC Roadmap Promises Three This Year
Warhorse Studios, the developers of Kingdom Come Deliverance, have released the DLC roadmap for the game, showcasing the new content coming in 2018 and early…

God of War Strange Ground Symbols Grant Hacksilver
In the endgame of God of War, you can find strange symbols on the ground. It’s a circle, with a smaller circle with four lines…

Battlefield V Will Feature Premium Currency, But No Loot Boxes
According to EA, Battlefield V won’t have loot boxes in it. On the other hand, the game will have premium currency, for which you’ll have…

State of Decay 2 How to Get Power – Solar Array, Generators, Outpost
Power and electricity are an important asset in State of Decay 2. Supplying power to your base in State of Decay 2 boosts the efficiency…

State of Decay 2 Easter Eggs – Mad Max, Plants vs Zombies, Halo
Easter eggs in State of Decay 2 are many, in various degrees of subtlety. They reference many different things from pop culture. This includes movies,…

Agony Hardest Difficulty Mode Revealed In New Trailer
The developers of Agony have released a new trailer for the game, highlighting the Agony Mode. It seems that this will be some sort of…

Detroit: Become Human Kamski Test Chloe’s Fate – Spoilers
Deciding what to do with Chloe in the Kamski Test in Detroit: Become Human feels like a key choice in the game. You might have…

PlayStation 5 Launch Date Could Be Three Years Away
It seems that gamers will have to wait quite a while until the PlayStation 5 comes out. Even though the PS4 is entering its twilight…

Rocket League Salty Shores Update Launch Date Announced
Psyonix has announced the launch date for the upcoming Rocket League content update, called Salty Shores. The update is coming next week, on May 29th….

Destiny 2 New Exotic Iron Banner Emote Only Available for Silver
The new exotic Iron Banner emote, Salute of the Iron Lord, is currently only available in the Eververse. Plus, you can currently only acquire it…

Fortnite Storm Tracker Backpack Was Added By Accident
Epic Games added backpack items to Fortnite BR in the latest update, starting with the Jetpack. However, they also added the Eye of the Storm…

Gwent New Faction Challenge To Be Followed By Premium Keg Week
The new Faction Challenge in Gwent has begun. This time around, the two warring factions are Monsters and Skellige. Participating players from both sides will…

State of Decay 2 How to Cure Blood Plague & Find Samples
Blood Plague is a serious disease people can contract in State of Decay 2. The survivor with Blood Plague will eventually die and turn into…

State of Decay 2 How to Destroy Plague Hearts
Plague Hearts are a type of monster in State of Decay 2. They create zombies, and also can infect you and others with Blood Plague….

Secret Fortnite Battle Star Location – How to Get Free Battle Pass Tier
Secret Battle Star is an extra prize you can get in Fortnite BR. If you have a Battle Pass, that is. To obtain the secret…

State of Decay 2 Vehicle Modification & Customization – How to Upgrade
Vehicle modification and upgrading is a thing you can do in State of Decay 2. Upgrading cars, vans, and trucks in State of Decay 2…

State of Decay 2 How to Switch Characters, Sleep, Cure Trauma as Guest
Switching characters in State of Decay 2 multiplayer is just as important as in the single player. It is necessary for your character to sleep…

State of Decay 2 Day One Patch Fixes Many Bugs
The developers of State of Decay 2 are promising a pretty robust Day One patch. The game is currently in early access, so it’s kinda…

State of Decay 2 Code 6 Connection to Host Error – How to Fix
Code 6 is a connection error in State of Decay 2 that players have been encountering. It blocks you from playing the State of Decay…