Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee How to Get Meltan
Meltan in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee is a Mythical Pokemon that you can catch. However, getting Meltan in Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee…

Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee How to Connect & Transfer from Pokemon Go
Transferring Pokemon from Pokemon Go to Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee is a mechanic you can use in the game. It allows you to…

Fallout 76 How to Get Lockpicking Perk – Picklock Card
Lockpicking perk in FO76 is one of many perks you can unlock in the game. The Picklock perk card, as it’s called, allows you to…

Fallout 76 Copper Deposit Locations – How to Get Copper
Copper in FO76 is one of many crafting materials you can find in the game. To get copper in Fallout 76, there are many different…

FO76 Disable Friendly Fire – Pacifist Mode and PvP
Pacifist Mode in Fallout 76 and disabling friendly fire are kinda connected in the game. The Fallout 76 Pacifist Mode is necessary if you want…

Fallout 76 Toxic Valley Treasure Map Locations & Solution
Toxic Valley Treasure Maps in Fallout 76 are among the many you can find and solve in the game. Finding the Fallout 76 Toxic Valley…

Fallout 76 Bags of Cement Location – Where to Find Concrete
Bags of cement in FO76 are a material that you can find in the game. Finding bags of cement in Fallout 76 can be important,…

Fallout 76 How to Save Blueprint & Move Camp
Saving a camp blueprint and moving camp in FO76 is an important mechanic in the game. The mechanics are connected pretty tightly. Moving the camp…

Fallout 76 How to Use Flashlight
How to use flashlight in FO76 is a pretty important question to answer. Exploring at night or in dark places is impossible without knowing how…

Fallout 76 How to Mute Other Players
Muting other players in FO76 is an option you have in the game. There are several different ways to mute people in Fallout 76, either…

Fallout 76 Character Respecing & Faction-Based PvP System Announced
In a recent post, Bethesda has teased some of the new content that they’ll be adding to Fallout 76 post-launch. This will include new Vaults…

Fallout 76 Perk Magazine Locations – LITerally Achievement / Trophy
Perk Magazine in FO76 are a collectible in the game. Finding Fallout 76 perk magazines can be fundamental for your success. See, perk magazines give…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Northern Cardinal Location
Northern Cardinals in RDR2 are birds that you can hunt in the game. There are many places you can find the northern cardinal in Red…

Fallout 76 Space Suit Location – Airlock C7 Keypad Access Code
Space suit in FO76 is one of the many outfits in the game. The Fallout 76 space suit doesn’t offer much in terms of armor,…

Fallout 76 Beta Feedback to Result in Future Update Fixes
With the Fallout 76 Betas coming to a close soon, it was time for the developers to start summarizing the player feedback. In a recent…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ships over 17 Million Copies
According to Rockstar, Red Dead Redemption 2 is selling faster than hotcakes. In fact, they have shipped seventeen million copies of the game in just…

Final Fantasy XV DLC Episodes Canceled, Tabata Leaves Square Enix
Some really bad news have dropped into the laps of Final Fantasy XV fans. The beloved game director, Hajime Tabata, is leaving Square Enix. As…

Bad Dream: Fever Launches mid-November on PC & Mac
The new game in the Bad Dream series, called Bad Dream: Fever, has a set launch date. It’s coming out on November 15th, for PC…

Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Get to Mexico Glitch
You can get to Mexico in RDR2 by exploiting a glitch. There’s a specific place on the map and a series of actions you have…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Yarrow Plant Locations
Yarrow plants in RDR2 are one of many consumables and crafting materials you can find in the game. Red Dead Redemption 2 yarrow plants are…