Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Anthem Loot System Getting Major Changes, According to Bioware
BioWare has heard the cries of Anthem players about the problems they’ve been having with the loot drops. Among the changes are improvements to how…

Plague Inc. Adding Anti-Vaxxers After Successful Online Petition
Fans of the plague simulator Plague Inc. have made a petition asking the developers, Ndemic Creations, to add anti-vaxxers to their game. And, the developers…

Fortnite Secret Battlestar Location Season 8 Week 1 Discovery Challenges
The secret battlestar for Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 is available to collect. That is, if you’ve completed all the other weekly challenges for the…

Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 Weekly Challenge List Revealed
The first week of Season 8 challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale are upon us. Some of them revolve around the new pirate theme, and the…

Fortnite Patch Notes v8.00 Season 8 Week 1 Revealed
Epic Games have released the patch notes for Fortnite v.800, and it’s a pretty hefty beast. The new Fortnite patch notes reveal a ton of…

Fortnite Visit Giant Face in Desert, Jungle & Snow Locations Weekly Challenge
Visit a Giant Face in the Desert, Jungle, & Snow is a weekly challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale Season 8 Week 1. This Fortnite weekly…

Conan Exiles Developer Enters Deal to Make Dune Games
The universe of Frank Herbert’s Dune is returning to the world of video games, and courtesy of a very unlikely source. As it turns out,…

Resident Evil 2 Remake Ships 4 Million Copies Worldwide
The remake of Resident Evil 2 has shipped four million copies since it launched a month ago. Damn solid numbers, especially considering the onslaught of…

Stardew Valley Android Version Launch Date Announced
The Android version of Stardew Valley finally has a launch date, set for mid-March. It’ll offer everything that the iOS version does, plus a few…

Group of Top Ex-BioWare Writers Release DnD Campaign Setting Book
Several big-name writers and designers, formerly of BioWare, have teamed up and formed Arcanum Worlds, a company to write and publish third-party Dungeons and Dragons…

Anthem Physical Sales Down by Half from ME Andromeda in UK
The physical sales of Anthem, at least when it comes to the UK, have been enough to propel it to the top of the chart….

Cyberpunk 2077 Beta Not Happening, According to Developers
Yes, sad to say, Cyberpunk 2077 won’t have any kind of alpha or beta testing for players. This has been revealed via the game’s official…

Fortnite Season 8 Second Teaser Image Forms Bigger Picture
Epic Games are continuing to drop teasers for the upcoming Season 8 of Fortnite. They’ve posted the second image, which keeps confirming that the new…

Fortnite Battle Royale Season 8 Teases Pirate Theme
Season 8 of Fortnite Battle Royale is right around the corner, and people have been understandingly wondering what its theme will be. If we’re reading…

The Outer Worlds Release Date Might Have Been Leaked on Steam
The release date of The Outer Worlds might have been revealed on Steam accidentally. If the leak ends up being correct, Obsidian’s space adventure with…

Starpoint Gemini 3 Officially Announced by LGM Games
Little Green Men Games, the developer behind the Starpoint Gemini series, have announced a new game in the series. Yes, indeed, Starpoint Gemini 3 is…

Breach Content Drop Includes New Class, Map, Boss, & More
QC Games have released a huge new update for their multiplayer action RPG, Breach. In the new update, Patch 0.1: Valley of Kings, you can…

Elements & Elemental Effects – How to Use Ice, Fire, Acid, Electricity
Elements and elemental effects in Anthem revolve around attacks that do elemental damage. There are several elemental attacks in Anthem, like Fire, Ice, Electricity, and…

How to Farm Masterwork Legendary Gear, Weapons, Components
Masterwork gear, aka legendary weapons, abilities, and components, are high-level gear you can get in Anthem. You want to get the legendary gear in Anthem,…

Legendary Weapon Disappeared – Legion of Dawn Not Showing Up – How to Fix
Legion of Dawn legendary weapons disappearing and the Legion of Dawn edition items not showing up in Anthem is one of the many problems currently…