Archives for author: JoeTheBard

New Gear Sets – Hard Wired, True Patriot, Ongoing Directive
True Patriot, Hard Wired, and ongoing Directive are new gear sets in The Division 2, added in the Tidal Basin update. Needless to say, people…

Tidal Basin Stronghold – How to Start
Tidal Basin Stronghold is a new stronghold in The Division 2, and some players have been having trouble understanding how to start the Tidal Basin…

Division 2 Gatehouse Facility Biology Lab Secret Room Key Location
Biology Lab secret access code, or key, is an item you can find in Division 2 Gatehouse Facility mission. The Division 2 Biology Lab key…

Division 2 Raid Launch Date Unveiled, Hint at New Specialization
Ubisoft has revealed the release date for the upcoming Division 2 raid, Operation Dark Hour. As it turns out, we can look forward to it…

Division 2 Update Time – Server Maintenance – Tidal Basin
The Division 2 update times, and the length of the server maintenance that will bring in the Tidal Basin update and World Tier 5, have…

Mortal Kombat 11 Details Revealed in Interview with Ed Boon
Ed Boon, the director of Mortal Kombat 11, has sat down for an interview with Game Informer. During the interview, he revealed some potentially interesting…

Borderlands 3 Special Editions & Pre-Order Bonuses Revealed
The contents of the various Borderlands 3 special editions, as well as the pre-order bonuses, have been unveiled. There are several special edition to choose…

Borderlands 3 September Release Date Leak Officially Confirmed
The people behind Borderlands 3, Gearbox Software and 2K Games, have confirmed what many people have been guessing based on a deleted tweet: the game…

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Coming Soon to Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch players will be able to experience Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice on their platform of choice. If you have never played it, I wouldn’t necessarily…

Fortnite Visit 5 Highest Elevations on the Island Locations
Visit 5 Highest Elevations on the Island is one of the new Fortnite weekly challenges for Season 8 Week 6. Since it’s one of the…

Mortal Kombat 11 Trophy List Revealed for PlayStation 4
The trophy list for the PlayStation 4 version of Mortal Kombat 11 has been revealed on Reddit. The list includes a total of 59 Trophies….

PlayStation Store Updates Refund Policy, Now Includes Pre-Orders
Sony has updated the refund policy of the PlayStation 4. Probably the biggest addition is that the policy now include pre-orders. You can return those…

Devil May Cry 5 Bloody Palace Now Open for Optimal Carnage
The Bloody Palace mode is now available in Devil May Cry 5, for the most hardcore of players. As is tradition since Devil May Cry…

Sekiro Prayer Bead Locations
Prayer Beads in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice are a very important and hard-to-get collectible in the game, which can be used to increase your Vitality…

Doujun NPC – Surgeon’s Bloody Letter Item – Where to Find Tough Man
Doujun is an NPC in Sekiro in the Abandoned Dungeon, and he’ll ask you to find one tough man and hand you the Surgeon’s Bloody…

Fountainhead Incense Location – How to Make
Fountainhead Incense in Sekiro is the end result of a long questline, and some people have been having trouble figuring out how to make Fountainhead…

Flower for Lord Kuro Incense Location
Fragrant Flower is a key item in Sekiro that you’ll need to give Lord Kuro to make the Fountainhead Incense. Finding the Sekiro Lord Kuro…

Stone For Lord Kuro Incense Location
The Stone for Lord Kuro Incense in Sekiro is a plot-critical item you’ll have to find in the game. The Shelter Stone in Sekiro, as…

Demon of Hatred Location – How to Spawn Optional Boss
Demon of Hatred in Sekiro is an optional boss that you can fight if you make the right choices. The Sekiro Demon of Hatred boss…

Lapis Lazuli All Locations – How to Get Prosthetic Tool Upgrade Material
Lapis Lazuli in Sekiro is a material used to upgrade some of your Prosthetic Tools. It can only be obtained much later in the game…