Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Get Green Diamond Gem in the Basement Washing Machine
You’ll notice a green diamond gem tumbling inside the washing machine in the basement of Luigi’s Mansion 3 as soon as you start the game….

Luigi’s Mansion 3 All Basement B1 Gem Locations
Basement B1 Gems in Luigi’s Mansion 3 are collectibles that you can get if you look hard enough and have the correct tools. As is…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Secret Room with Coin Painting in B1 Basement
The secret coin painting treasure room in B1 Basement in Luigi’s Mansion 3, near the staircase, is a room that you can enter once you…

Outer Worlds UDL ID Cartridge Location – Kept Secret But Not Forgotten
UDL ID Cartridge in Outer Worlds is an item that you can find during the Kept Secret But Not Forgotten quest aboard the Hope. You…

Outer Worlds Primal Leather Locations – Where to Find Primal Leather
Primal Leather in Outer Worlds is a material that you can find in the game, and it can come in handy in a variety of…

Outer Worlds The Chimerist’s Last Experiment Bug Solution
The Chimerist’s Last Experiment quest bug in Outer Worlds has been plaguing players that attempt to select one of the options at the end of…

Outer Worlds Iconoclast Apostle Unique Helmet & Armor Location
Iconoclast Apostle unique armor and helmet in Outer Worlds are parts of an armor sets that you can find in the game. The only tricky…

Outer Worlds Certified Explorer’s Hat Unique Armor Location
Certified Explorer’s Hat Unique Armor in Outer Worlds is a piece of gear that you can find in the game. The road to getting the…

Outer Worlds Ship Decoration Locations
Ship Decorations in Outer Worlds are items that you can find in order to make the Unreliable a little bit prettier. The Outer Worlds Ship…

Outer Worlds Raptidon Handler Unique Armor Location
Raptidon Handler Armor in Outer Worlds is a Unique Armor that you can find and use in the game. As the name very clearly states,…

Outer Worlds Nice Hat Unique Armor Location
A Nice Hat in The Outer Worlds is a Clothing item that counts as armor that you can find in the game. As you might…

Outer Worlds Worst Contact – How to Reach Jessie
Reach & Talk to Jessie in Outer Worlds is a step in a quest that Ellie gives you in the Medical Bay on the Groundbreaker….

COD Modern Warfare 2019 Watches – How to Unlock
Watches in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 are items that you can earn and use in the game. They appear under the Weapons tab…

COD Modern Warfare 2019 Finishing Moves – How to Do
Finishing moves in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 are moves that you can perform in certain specific situation. In fact, you’ll have to do…

COD Modern Warfare 2019 Weapon Blueprints – How to Apply
Weapon blueprints in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 are items that you can earn and apply to weapons that you have in order to…

COD Modern Warfare 2019 Crossplay Platform How to Add Friends on PC, PS4, Xbox
Adding friends from other platforms in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 has been causing some problems for players. And, to be perfectly honest, I…

COD Modern Warfare 2019 Hardcore Modes – Where to Find
Hardcore Modes have been a staple of the Call of Duty franchise for a long time, and COD Modern Warfare 2019 has the sense not…

COD Modern Warfare 2019 Classic Special Ops Missions – How to Unlock
Classic Special Ops Missions in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 are causing a bit of a stink among the fan base. Namely, people are…

Outer Worlds How to Dismiss Companions
Dismissing companions, and adding and removing people from your party, is something that you can do in Outer Worlds, as is the case with all…

Sweetheart Cake & Terra One Dustback Casserole – Don’t Bite the Sun
Outer Worlds Sweetheart Cake & Terra One Dustback Casserole are a part of the Don’t Bite the Sun companion quest for Parvati. To complete this…