Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Unlock More Delivery Bots in Death Stranding
Delivery bots in Death Stranding are autonomous deliver bots that you can unlock and use to make Standard Deliveries instead of you. You unlock your…

Death Stranding Entrust Lost Cargo or Not
Entrusting lost cargo in Death Stranding is a mechanic in the game that you can use in order to let somebody else deliver the lost…

Death Stranding How to Change Suit Color
Suit colors in Death Stranding are cosmetics that you can unlock and use in the game. Death Stranding Suit Colors are interesting because who doesn’t…

Death Stranding Holograms – Unlock & Add Celebrities to Constructions
Holograms in Death Stranding are holograms of different celebrities that you can unlock in the game and use them to customize your Constructions. The process…

Death Stranding Private Rooms
Private Rooms in Death Stranding are basically hubs that you can find in the game across the map, and there’s a bunch of stuff you…

Death Stranding Game Difficulty
Game difficulty in Death Stranding is going to impact your experience with the game quite a bit. Which Death Stranding difficulty you choose will vary…

Death Stranding EX Grenades
EX Grenades in Death Stranding are a type of weapon in the game, made up of Sam’s bodily fluids that you can collect at specific…

Death Stranding Weight Management
Weight management in Death Stranding is one of the main mechanics in the game, since managing your cargo properly in Death Stranding can make your…

Death Stranding Fast Travel
Fast travel in Death Stranding works a little different than in other games, so I wouldn’t be surprised if players had some trouble figuring out…

RDR2 PC Photo Mode File Location – Where to Find
Photo Mode file location in Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC is a bit of a mystery for players. As in, they can’t figure out…

RDR2 PC How to Change Language
Changing the language in Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC is one of the many problems that people have been experiencing. Even though their Rockstar…

Red Dead Online PC Character Transfer from PS4 & Xbox
There is NO character transfer available currently from your Red Dead Online PS4 and XBOX accounts onto PC. There isn’t gonna be crossplay, so one…

RDR2 PC Decrypting & Redownloading 112 GB, Game Stopped Decrypting
The decrypting message on the Rockstar launcher, asking you to re-download all 112 GB, and the game decryption stopping are all things that PC players…

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Pre-Loading Now Live
Rockstar have announced that the pre-loads for the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 are now live. Only on the Rockstar Games Launcher, of…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Polterkitty – How to Beat Cat Ghost
Polterkitty in Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a cat ghost that you’ll have to defeat in the game. And figuring out how to beat Polterkitty can…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Deactivate Laser Birds In Pyramid on 10f – Snake Chamber
The Pyramid snake chamber laser trap on the tenth floor of Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a puzzle you’ll have to solve in order to progress….

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Catch the Mouse in Kitchen & Billiard Room
It took quite a bit of effort to catch the glowing mouse that steals the elevator buttons in the kitchen and billiard rooms in Luigi’s…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Seventh Floor Boss – How to Defeat Dr Potter
Dr. Potter, the Seventh Floor boss in Luigi’s Mansion 3, is one of a number of bosses you’ll have to beat in the game. You’ll…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 How Co-Op Works – How to Play Cooperative Campaign
How to play Cooperative Campaign in Luigi’s Mansion 3 has been the question that a number of players have been asking. After all, Nintendo have…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Kill Hotel Lobby First Ghosts
The first ghosts that you get to battle in Luigi’s Mansion 3 are in the hotel lobby, and as such, you might not be able…