Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Eighter in Trouble Memorial Spot Location in DBZ Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Eighter in Trouble memorial spot is one of a whole bunch of collectibles in the game. Eighter in Trouble is a…

Tour Guide Quest in Temtem – Umbrella Location
Temtem Tour Guide quest is a side quest that you can complete for the tour operator NPC in Arrisola and earn the Umbrella gear item….

How to Defeat Sophia Dojo Master in Temtem
Temtem Dojo Master Sophia is the head trainer in the Arrisola Dojo and the first boss in the game. She is a very difficult enemy,…

Turquesa Ferry Quest – Find Riverine Fellowship, Jana & Idris in Temtem
Temtem Turquesa Ferry quest is a side mission that you can complete in the game. The Turquesa Ferry side quest sends you to several locations…

How to Capture Water Temtem
Water Temtems in Temtem are monsters that live in the water, and that require a specific item in order to be captured. You might be…

Nessla Spawn Location in Temtem
Nessla is a Water / Electric type Temtem that is a great addition to any party, but, since it lives in the water, you can…

Temtem Bug Devolving after Using Heal
There’s a bug in Temtem that causes your Temtems to lose levels after using healing items, even going so far that they can lose levels….

How to Challenge & Battle Other Temtem Players
Challenging and battling other players in Temtem is a cool feature of the game that lets you fight other people in the game, whether it’s…

Surfboard Location in Temtem
Temtem surfboard is a special item that you have to acquire in order to travel on water. Since you need the surfboard to complete some…

How to Play Co-Op in Group with Friends in Temtem
Temtem co-op play allows you to play through pretty much the whole game together with friends; there are even weekly challenges to be beaten as…

Temtem Missing Kids – Find Yusuf & Roger in Brical
Missing Kids in Temtem is a side quest that you can get fairly early in the game, and it requires you to locate two children,…

Resident Evil 3 Remake Collector’s Edition Available for Pre-Order
Capcom have announced that the Collector’s Edition of Resident Evil 3 remake is going to be available at select retailers in Europe, Africa, and the…

KH3 ReMind Premium Menu Guide
The Premium Menu in Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind is a special menu that you can access if you start a new game after getting the…

SteelSeries Rival 3 Gaming Mouse & Apex 3 & 5 Keyboards Launch
SteelSeries, the Danish company making gaming peripherals and accessories, have launched a new gaming mouse, the Rival 3, as well as two keyboards, called Apex…

Oathkeeper & Oblivion Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 3
Kingdom Hearts 3 Oblivion and Oathkeeper are extremely powerful Keyblades you can get in the game. Both Oathkeeper and Oblivion in KH3 require you to…

Woodchips Locations in DBZ Kakarot Guardian Caretaker Quest
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot woodchips are an item that you need to gather to complete the Guardian Caretaker sub quest. You can find them, as…

Find Newly Restored Dragon Balls – Kami’s Successor Bug in DBZ Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Kami’s Successor is a quest you’ll have to complete in the game. It requires you to go and find all seven…

Mystery of the Missing Tail Vegeta Missing Bug Fix in DBZ Kakarot
DBZ Kakarot Mystery of the Missing Tail Vegeta bug is a glitch where Vegeta does not appear during the sub quest. You can go to…

Premium Golden Venison Location – Buu the Bottomless Pit DBZ Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot premium golden venison is an item that you need to complete the Buu the Bottomless Pit sub quest in the game….

Densite Location in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – Easy-Going Genius
DBZ Kakarot Densite is an item that you need to complete the Easy-Going Genius quest for Doctor Briefs in West Area. If you don’t listen…